Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's time to stop worrying about useless things and start being happy.

Yeah, that's all I really want right now. To be happy. People need to stop caring about stupid things and just laugh it off. Like seriously, stop taking things so seriously. Not like your whole life will be dramatically impacted if you do or don't do something most the time. I think people are really like getting on my nerves right now. Stop asking for attention cause it's stupid and stop making a big deal out of nothing.

Today was the SFSU field trip. It was pretty fun. Just wished I gotta do the things I really wanted to though >.> I feel like I always get the short end of the stick. Like the things I always look forward to the most never happens. I think back to "oh if I was with someone else, it would've happened." But then even if I did that, I would've missed out on what I did at that same time. So I don't know which would've been more fun, but I don't know, I don't want to talk about it on here. That's the thing. I have something to say, but sometimes, I don't want anyone to know but me. Problem with blogs too. So much I want to talk about, but I don't want you to know. I just don't want you to know at all. Anyways, so we were stuck in traffic for a little bit. Our tour was at 11:00 but we got there at like 11:40ish. I wonder if they're tired of us going now that almost every class has missed the tours xD It was cool going on the San Mateo Bridge though. I was literally squealing to myself >.< I get overexcited over the smallest things. The cemetery made me really sad, which leads to something else later on. We got there, walked in a circle, took pictures, saw zombies chasing one another, Valerie got really scared, went to the bathroom and bookstore, the chalkboards in the stalls were creepy especially the one I read, and went back on the bus. On the way to Pier 39, we went through Golden Gate Park and Mr K. told us some stuff about it. Even though we didn't see most of it, it was still really nice. Also saw my "grandma." I tried taking a picture of it, but we went past it too fast. Finally got to the Pier after a crazy ride there. Had no idea where to go. We ate at Bubba Gumps and it was really good. I wish we sat by the window though. But I had a fun time. Didn't expect the others to be there or him to come over >.< Yeah it was awkward the first time. Not even gonna lie. And Oksana was just looking at me funny. I just realized I got in your way at the bookstore and at the gift shop. Now I feel bad >.> The four of us went to take pictures, which took way longer than I thought and didn't even take them with the guys. I just wish there was like more time left, but it could've been worse. I was hoping things would've ended off better, but it wasn't bad. Got to hang out with Oksana for like the last half hour helping her find stuff to buy for her mom and brother. I didn't find much. NFL shop was too expensive. I think I'm most bummed about not going to the mirror maze and the arcade. It was like the two things I looked forward to the most, and I didn't even get to see it. Ahh whatever, complaining gets me no where, but I wish we went cause I was so happy about it last night. Well, now it seems like I'm second guessing my feelings. Why must things be like this >.< I think I'll just wait and see. If you guys have something going on, I'll just forget about it before I get hurt. I don't need this again. And to whoever's reading this, don't ask me about any of this because I don't want to talk about it anymore. At least I got out of town. That was all I really wanted. To just get away from everything, but seems like something's got to happen. But it was really fun day, even with that funky smell xD Well I'm going to pass out soon. Good night world & have a great week :]

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