Sunday, October 30, 2011


Yeah, I think I'm done for the day. Did nothing except watch over my cousins. Ahh man, Sunny is growing up and he's not that hard to handle, but still, things change a lot over time. At least he was pretty calm but he thinks I'm Brandy xD Then Darrian, well he just talks a lot and gets bored easily, but he's always so silly. He'll always be DD #1 no matter how many times he tries to deny it. Almost started tearing up cause I was thinking about the funeral everyone went to, but I didn't. Maybe that's why I haven't gone to one yet. I won't be able to handle it at all. But yeah, no homework done which means tomorrows gonna be a really fun day >.> Thank goodness I got 5 hours or else I'ma be freaking out. It's time I dropped cause it's doing me no good at all. Good night world & have a great week while I'll be like D: until Saturday night.

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