Saturday, October 1, 2011


SO much fun :D Even if I had SAT's. I waited in line for 1 hour and 20 minutes. It felt like forever cause I watched as all my friends and old classmates go in while I stand there and do nothing. I talked to the girl next to me a few times, but that was about it. When we finally got in, I took my Calc 2 and Chemistry Subject Tests. The proctors we had were nice. I talked to Kenia during the break and after we finished. We finished at around 11:30 and talked until 12:30 after everyone else got out. It was nice talking to her since I don't see her much, but it was all school related though. Then after everyone got out, we just all chilled by the parking lot waiting for other people. Debora and I left to Chipotle to buy some food and headed over to the park. It was crazy fun. I made a mess and Debora has her own tree haha. Then we went to play on the swings and well I suck at trying to move on them. I got stuck, couldn't even get on while this little girl jumps on like nothing, and took random pictures. My sides were hurting from it >.< But I liked the wind in my face, even if I wasn't going as high as Debora. After we went to the walkway with the graffiti and took pictures with it haha. Then we went to the bench by the baseball field and took hecka random pictures on the bench...

11:11 I wish for a fun day tomorrow for everyone :)

...behind/next to the tree, and jumping photos, which all ended up failing haha. I love that laughing photo though. That was hilarious. We headed to the mall and looked around at stores. I thought Claire's was fun trying on the random stuff. I really like their accessories, but it's so expensive D: I don't have money to spend on stuff like that for those prices. Headed to the other mall after cause my sister's friends left. When I met up with her, we went to Forever 21, Hollister, Barnes and Nobles, Mrs. Fields (I think that's the name?), and back to Barnes and Nobles. I ran into Hailey at Hollister. I haven't seen her for a while now, but it was nice seeing her. Overall, it was a great day. I had hecka fun with Debora and I'm really looking forward to tomorrow :DDD I really do hope I get one of those "mini rides." Looks so freaking cool, specifically the Ferris Wheel. I'm trying not to expect much and have whatever happen, happen. Like James said, "aren't you suppose to expect the unexpected?" Apparently I'm a turtle cause I stay in my shell all day. Not always, but I do xD Ahh man, I'm so sleepy. But it was an interesting day. Need more days like today for sure :D Good night world & have a fun Sunday :]]]]]]]]

P.S. I can't believe two months already passed. Seems like the days are just flying by now.

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