Thursday, October 13, 2011


Haha yes, I am very happy xD So today I went to Forever 21 to get Erika her birthday gift, and I saw the necklace in the picture. I was like :OOO OMG grab one now haha. It's so pretty :3 Okay I have a lot of funny things to say about yesterday. During Etech, my teacher was talking about the show Sister Wives. It's about this guy who has 3 wives and they are all sisters. Pretty odd, but yeah. Then he goes into about this other guy who's trying to get like 100 kids with his wives. It was creepy. Then Vang had earmuffs on and he was like "Oh I bet Vang has two wives that's why he has earmuffs on." My teacher is funny and always likes to joke around. Then he brought up the time he went golfing and hit the ball into the water. He went to go get it and the ball comes flying out of the water and he's all puzzled and it turns our a scuba diver was underneath taking out the golf balls. That was funny. He also said he was with a friend one time and saw an old student of his. He forgot his name so he asked him and said his name was like Tong Le. He then brought up his brother Ug Le. I was laughing like crazy. Later on, I asked Verina a question about the drawing and he comes up to me and asks me what the block he was holding was. I said I don't know and he said it was a Cutie cause there were letters on the block that said QDS. I was laughing xD The S was hardly noticeable though. Before english, I went to the bathroom with Oksana. When I was done, I was trying to turn the lock, but the lock part only moved like half way. I kept on trying, but it didnt budge and then I told Oksana I was stuck and she told me to pull the door towards me.I try it and I did it like twice and nothing happened. I was freaking out and getting ready to crawl under the door if I had to xD Then she comes over and pushes hard on the door and it opens and I'm like OMG I'M FREE LOL. I was seriously having a mini heart attack in there. I was always scared it might happen to me, and it finally did. Freaking scary though. She saved me :D Good thing she was there! In english, Nicole had her presentation and on her works cited it said, "Socrates is the ugliest man in the world. And he is gay." Thank you Oksana. Along the lines of that, but it was so funny. Then Mr. K read it and got all mad about it even though he was trying not to show it, it was obvious. But yeah that was something. Then he finds a picture of him online and says yeah he looks gay. Then in the book we were learning about someone else and he says oh he looks gay. Later on he says oh yeah he definitely looks gay. Something like that, but it was so funny. It was like the highlight of the day xD He also said Steven "Jobes" again. I thought I was the only one who realized that the first time, but everyone knows xD Ahh, so funny. Yesterday was a very interesting day that's for sure. Then today I played Kenneth badminton. It was super fun since I haven't played in so long and didn't sweat that bad since I took PE last year. Even in PE I didn't feel like I was dying or that my face was overheating. It was still funny though. Overall, it was a good week, even with all the stress. Stocks are going pretty good too. Looking forward to this weekened :D

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