Monday, October 17, 2011

Want want want...

We all want that best friend. The one we tell everything to. About our day, family, friends, the past, present, future, dreams, fears. Everything. Or we want those new pairs of shoes that just came in to our favorite store. The thing is, we all keep wanting and never stop to realize what we already have in front of us. If you just stop and think about everything you already have, you'd be quite surprised. We never really take the time to realize it. So stop wanting, and start realizing. Everything you could possibly have is basically right in front of you all along. Just be thankful for what you already have before it's gone. Life is a gift. There are many people that are less fortunate than you so suck it up and stop complaining. Help someone or do something to better someone else's life. I admit, I take life for granted too, but every now and then I stop and think about what I have and how great it is that I am living the life I have. You are lucky to even been living so don't take life for granted.

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