Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Today has had it's turn of events.

Well I was all sad and emotional when I started talking to people >.< I didn't expect James to ask me what was wrong and stuff and then I started crying -____- But at least I stopped, after like 3 times... Anyways, I never really needed people to cheer me up that much in the past. I know a few times I get down and my friends are always there to put me in a good mood. But this time, it's so different. It's something that just won't go away overnight. So thank you for just letting me tell you all that has been going on. Then I told Valerie about so much stuff. That made me happy too. When we talk, I just forget about stuff that bothers me. It's the fact that she always has something left to say. I'm never bored. Angelica's pictures from Pumpkin Fair were so funny! I sure got a kick out of that. I was just laughing like crazy to myself. Oh the great times. I was helping Kenneth with his english presentation even though I felt like I didn't do much xD But yes, *cyber high five* lol. Debora told me that if anything was bothering me, I could always come to her, even during class. I definitely don't want to interfere with that, but it's great to have someone to go to. Well I feel like there's always someone to go to, but I know she understands. And Kenneth, I'm not trying to be sad or anything. It's just a phase (hopefully) that I'm going through. I just need to find myself and I want some space to think stuff out. I wish I had more time, but I don't, and that scares me. But I'm being optimistic with everything going on right now. People trying to cheer me up and knowing that tomorrow will be a better day. No I'm not depressed. Not even sure what I'm going through, but I know it's temporary. I think I'm just lost in trying to find myself. But no matter what happens, I'll find my way eventually. Tomorrow will be another brighter (not literally xD) day. Good night world & thank you for just being there :]

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