Thursday, October 13, 2011

11 things to do in 2011.

1. Ride a ferris wheel :D
2. Go kayaking
3. Make 200 cranes
4. Get a different haircut
5. Experiment around
6. Take 2 pictures with a duck ^_^
7. Get something Colts related ;D
8. Ride a bike
9. Learn to make 2 new bracelet designs (not counting the relay for life ones)
10. Finish Shining Inheritance xD
11. Try some Pho

I thought of number 11 haha. I realized last time we went to Saigon Bay I didn't get a chance to order it, so maybe I can before the year is over lol. My dad says it's good and well its noodles so I don't see why it wouldn't be haha. I also did number 7 cause I got the necklace. It's Colts related :D Now I wanna wear it all the time :3 Only two more things to do, if only I could do number 2 though. I haven't gone through a whole goals list without forgetting about it >.<

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