Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What is going on these days?

I swear there were freaking 6 signs today. I thought about you this morning for some reason I forgot, my sister had a dream we liked each other, the sign Livermore, the song on the radio by that artist, the guy in the car who looked just like you, and my sister owned the property in your name -______- WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!?!? And now we're showing each other funny things like before... To think this wasn't enough, I just realized who showed me Agents of Secret Stuff cklaskjiofmldf. Someone help me please or tell me why this is going on.
Today was fun. Visited family and went shopping. Subway cookies for the win. Found out something interesting from my sister. Yeah, that was pretty awkward but she better not harm herself. I swear, it wasn't even funny when she said it even though she wasn't even taking me seriously. Something like that won't ruin her life. She's just overexaggerating. Just PLEASE don't harm yourself. Really, that's all I ask. You'll forget about this soon...
Excited to start practicing this week :D Just need to study for the quiz. Good night world & please help my sister :]

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