Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Well today was very, very eventful. Went to prom committee and as I was going to Locke I saw a few of the guys leaving so I caught up with them cause I had nothing else to do. Turns out they were going to the food court so I just tagged along. Then we went to the park and hung out for a while. Got a ride back to school and went to TA. I left to Mrs. Solari and worked on my scholarship and finished :D I feel accomplished even if it was one scholarship, but it's way better than none. I just wish I could finish the other ones too, but we'll see. So in Avid I just wrote with Oksana's cool pen :D It was very cool haha. She drew a unicorn but James hecka dissed it xD Chose senior shirt designs too. I didn't finish english though >.> Talked to Mrs. G about the whole financial thing and I just hope so much that things turn out alright. Went to Key Club and finally got my shirt :D I'm happy haha. We all decided to just go get food and meet up at the food court so I ended up getting McD's again. I feel so unhealthy -___- But it was good haha. Then some guy driving hits on Mary & I. I thought he had a gf next to him but it was a dude next to him xD Awkward to the max. Then the whole prom talks were like whyyy haha. At the movies, the line was freaking longgggggggg. Longer than I've ever seen at the movies. It was just wack. So the movie sold out and we bought tickets to another movie but watched the other one. Ahhh it was too cute. And the people behind us were making comments which was funny. He kept calling her a skank xD Anyways the movie was just so cute. I was just like "awww" and laughing during most of it. It was very entertaining. I totally wanna see The Lucky One. Must tell Valerie about it tomorrow. Anyways then Bren asking Bernadette was way too cute. Singing and everything. Even random people were like what's going on. And then Toya showed up and we were all just omggg haha. It was nice seeing her again. Today was definitely eventful. Oh and the whole twin day thing. Funny how I was thinking the exact same thing in the car earlier... I swear, things didn't seem like they even changed. That conversation was just so I don't know, brought me back to old times even though I know things are different now. But as long as he's happy, it's all good. But now I might be able to accomplish that one thing on my bucket list lol. I kinda hope so cause the bet was suppose to be with him too so maybe it'll work out. I just hope I don't forget. Well today was a very good day. I said that like 10 times already. Even talked to Sierra :D I should sleep. Must do hw too. Good night world & I hope you all had a great Valentine's Day :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

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