Monday, February 6, 2012


My freaking throat has been bothering me all day. Now it's almost gone, I can still feel it sort of. But then I started coughing and well coughing just plain sucks, especiallyyyy for me cause I sound like a dog when it gets bad. My voice goes deep and it's just not good. I read Act 3 already xD Then I did next times homework and started the homework after that. I sort of forgot that the essay was due at 5:00 so I couldn't do much about it. At least I didn't finish the essay or that would've been horrible. For eggdrop, only 1 of 6 eggs survived. Last time 4/4 did. I wonder what went wrong. Either I didn't wrap them enough or it is because it landed on its side instead. Whatever the reason, I'm testing again next week so that ought to be fun. Well I'm tired and I just feel like reading now. That always gets me sleepy xD Good night world & have a fantastic Tuesday :]

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