Sunday, February 12, 2012

Well well well,

The start to a longggggg post hahaha. It'll take me hecka long. So lets begin with yesterday. Ahh there's gonna be typos cause I'm sleepy. I bet I'll forget a lot, but let's see. Woke up sorta early haha and got everything ready. Got my grandparents and headed to SF. We arrived and met a relative and he took us to the parking garage. It was the festival/parade so there were A LOT of people. Even parking was crazy and took a while. We went to the restaurant first and met his wife and my grandfather's brother. The food was very tasty especially the Ha Gow, which is shrimp wrapped with something xD that I love haha. I had 10 last time in San Leandro, but they were small haha. This time they were like twice the size. So we all ate and then went shopping after. I got to see the whole festival with a lotttt of people. Even the Chase Dog was hecka tall haha. Stared at people, waited, listened to music, and just took it all in. The streets were just packed with people. We seriously waited for my mom for like an hour+. She took heckaaaaa long at one of the stores. We mostly walked around to stores so my family could just buy stuff that they needed. At one point, we were waiting and I was listening to music. These Mexican or Caucasian group of kids were playing with these pop pop things that makes lots of noise when you throw them on the ground. I heard it once but then it was hecka loud and I said "Oh sh*t" sooooo loud and my dad and sister were right next to me. My dad just laughed and I thought I said "Oh shoot" but it took me like 5 minutes to realize what I really said. I got hecka scared D: But yeah, I was just FML for hecka long haha. I saw many cute guys xD So we decided to take all the stuff to the car cause there was a lot. My grandparents went to the house of my grandfather's brothers and the rest of us went to the car. We took this free shuttle ride that goes to the parking garage. It was so fun and the driver drove pretty fast. But we got to see some of the pier and areas around there. Went to find the car and came back just in time to take it back to Chinatown. We went to where my grandparents went and that hill going there was super steep. We didn't even go up the whole block and I was already having issues walking. It was already like 4 or 5 by the time we were there. Shopping took forever. So we went up to the room and greeted everyone again. The view was freaking amazing haha. You can see all of downtown, the coast/water, Alcatraz, Bay Bridge, and so much more. It was beautiful. Then Lisa, Mandy, and Angel (I didn't really get to hear her name) came after school. Then my sister and I went with them to wander the festival and get food. We got popcorn chicken and some boba tea drink which was ehh cause I dont like tea from Quickly. It's like a Lollicup but different name and super small. No where has watermelon snow >.> Anyways the food was good except I was still sick and it was a little spicy so it made me cough. I didn't eat much but I had the drink to chug down haha. It made me full even though I didn't even finish it. Then we walked through the festival and there was even more people cause it was getting closer to the parade at 6. It was cool walking through and hanging out with my second cousins. I don't see them much so the bonding was fun. We went to meet my mom and Lisa's mom since they came back to buy stuff. Afterwards, we went back to the house again and waited for everyone to arrive. Ashley's family came after a while and the view was even nicer cause it was dark outside. So pretty. We sat and waited and it was like around 6:00 and we watched the parade on television. We were gonna go see it downtown, but didn't end up doing so. We went to buy scarves and I got like 5 haha. All so pretty ;D and cheap :D Which is a huge plus. We went to the wedding afterwards at this super fancy restaurant. The bride and groom looked so cute together. It was adorable. The food was good and the slide show had this amazingggggg song that I'm currently listening to. It's called Can't Stop Love~Darin. It's soooooo cute and I just love it. Perfect for a wedding. Overall, I had a great time and it was truly an experience worth remembering. Even the view was just like wow. You can see Coit Tower on the left (from where I was sitting), buildings on the right, and even more behind. It was such a wonderful memory I'd love to occur again. Afterwards, we headed back to the car which took forever cause everyone was leaving before the garage closed. That took like an hour and we made it safely. It was nice walking through the streets of downtown San Francisco at night with all the buildings lighted up. It was definitely a sight worth seeing. I wouldn't have imagined this day to be that fun but it really surpassed my expectations. I also took many pictures of the day. Lots of random/sightseeing ones basically, but looking back at them makes me smile. Even though I was dead tired by the time I got home, it was all worth it. I'd love to go back just to sight see, but it was one of those really memorable days you won't forget for a long time. I wish the couple a long and happy life together<3

Well that was a very lengthy post and that's not even the end xD It is of SF but I got more to write about for today xD So it was the Key to College event and I arrived "late" so I wouldn't be alone. Well guess what, I was the only person who showed up! Haha man I can't get over that. Even though like 30 people said they were going, I was the only one who went. It was lots of fun though. I felt like being the only person was a huge advantage because I got to talk 1 on 1 with everyone and there weren't too many people so I knew everyone and they knew me. It was cool that they were all willing to present the presentations to me and they all gave me lots of helpful advice that I think will definitely help me in the near future. I think today really opened my eyes to the reality of college and the more I think of it, the more I want to go to UOP. I'm kinda open to my options, but I just enjoy it a lot. They made me feel really welcome and one guy who did the presentation was cute ;D Then the other tour guide kinda focused his attention on me which made me a little uncomfortable since there was like 20 people in the tour group, but it was nice he was trying to ask for my opinion and show me things related to my major, since he's an engineering major too. I think everyone did a great job and I enjoyed the whole thing. I had a breakfast burrito and their tator tots look super good. The presentations were helpful and the college panel. It's nice to see how close they all are and how much they were willing to help me in any way possible. I had a fun time and I will be sure to take up any opportunities I have in the future. I know I won't regret them. So scholarships, I will apply asap. I just finished FAFSA today and basically had a pani attack talking to Mary. I really hope I can join Circle K in college. This experience made me realize how things are going to change very soon. But I gotta be ready and hope for the best. Like Fiona said to me, "put yourself out there." I won't try to hold back, but if I really want something, I'll go for it. I won't hesitate or second guess myself anymore. If it's what I truly want, I'll do whatever it takes it get it. With this mindset, I know I can't go wrong. So thank you to everyone I met today, the UOP, Sac State, UC Davis, and University of Reno (I think) students. It really meant a lot to me that you guys really tried your best to help me. It was a good day, it really was. Man overall this weekend was just the best haha. The more I think about it, the more appreciative I am of everything that happened. Haha reminds me how I think his name was Tony was talking about "Singles Awareness Day" this week haha. It sure made me laugh. They are all wonderful people and it was pleasure getting to know them. Good night world & have a lovely week :]

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