Saturday, February 25, 2012


Yeah I think I'm falling again... Great >.> These signs are just everywhere. The songs that you like are always played on the radio and man it's just like it's trying to tell me something, but I don't know what. Then the whole shirt thing. I was gonna wear mines today but decided not to and you did. Weird. So yeah dance practice went well. Except my legs are sore so much. Even more than if I went to a school dance. Now that's really sore for me. I'm sitting and they hurt >.> Man, this sucks. Doing community service this weekend doesn't help either. I won't be getting much sleep. Gah. At least I don't have much homework. Then at Mrs. Solari's today, there were people watching, and a lot of people I must say, so I had food and I ate outside so I wouldn't make a scene. I decided to stay since it was a nice day outside. Then this lady, she was young, came and parked her car in front of the class. I was just sitting there grading papers and she asks me the time so I tell her. Eventually she gets out of her car and comes to the table I was sitting at. I'm just like wondering what's going on here. She ends up asking if I'm a mchs student and I go yes. I was surprised she knew cause most people don't. Anyways she was telling me how she wished there was a program like that during the time she was in school and stuff. She was shocked when I told her my major and how the program works. But she said that it was a great thing to do and she was basically happy for me. Made my day lol. So yeah that was my day. I'm sure I forgot to mention stuff, but I'm tired and those were the things I remembered to talk about lol. I really hope I'm not too sore tomorrow. Man, these past few days we became closer than ever. I know like junior year we didn't talk as much and now it's like freshmen year all over again. She's my dancing buddy now lol. Good night world & have a great weekend :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

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