Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I want to see rainbow roses in person. I always see them in photos, but nothing compares to the real thing. Why do they have to be so dang expensive though D: Anyways, today was a relaxed day. Learned more of the song, got homework done, missed Idol (shocker, right Debora?), worked ahead on homework, and got my acceptance. I swear, today was just unbelievable. I can't even explain how happy I feel. I'm going through too many emotions still. It's crazy you know, to finally feel wanted by your dream school. I mean what can top that? I never saw this day coming, especially not so soon. But now, I feel like all my hard work has finally paid off. I work my butt off for school and to know that I got in, it truly shows that determination and hard work will lead you in the right direction. I'm just stunned still. It's hard to accept. I just hope that everyone gets in to where they want to go too. I mean this feeling is just something everyone should get the chance to experience. To feel wanted is something I'm lucky to feel. My entire life I've never been good enough and this is just beyond anything I've ever imagined. Right here, right now, I can truly say that I'm proud of myself for everything I've struggled through because it paid off. Maybe things are meant to be. And right now, I couldn't be more satisfied. Ahhhhhh the joy. I'm usually too harsh on myself or act whatever about school because it's never "up to my parents standards" but I am really proud of myself for getting this far. So now, I must say I am beyond happy. Now the problem is, where am I going to attend? Oh tuition. You will drive me crazy. Well it's all in my hands now. I can't decide so soon, yet I know the day will come in a few months. The wait once again. Good night world & I hope you all had a lovely day cause I'm still trying to figure out mines :]]]]]]]]]]]

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