Monday, January 23, 2012

You could never tell by a glance.

I meant to post this yesterday, but I logged off and realized that I didn't.

So this year/last few months of last year have been pretty crazy. It's scary how well people hide things. How they can have a smile on their face even when everything is falling apart around them. How a persons past makes them who they are today. How someone can't tell what's going on just by looking at them. You never truly know someone and I realized that recently. It's crazy what you find out and learn about people. Took me 4 years to know that my own classmates are some of the strongest people I'll ever meet. Two in particular surprised me though. The first one was told to me by someone else and the other was just on accident. But I was really amazed at what I learned about their past and their present. It just surprised me at how they are okay on the outside like nothing is wrong. It really showed me that a person can overcome the hardest obstacles in life. I do give props to them for everything they've gone through and I hope that life brings them good things. They deserve way more than that.

I didn't do much today or yesterday. Same old, same old. Celebrated Chinese New Years with the family. That was fun :D Also watched the football games and the teams I were voting for lost >.> Disappointmenttt. But yeah I'm going for the Giants in the Superbowl. We'll see how that plays out in 2 weeks. Then today I went to class. Honestly, A days are slowly becoming boring sometimes. Too much free time in one day. I wish my A and B days were more balanced out. I also dropped Guidance and Interior Design. I didn't mind dropping Guidance, but I was looking forward to learning new things in Interior Design. I guess it wasn't meant to be. I mean I thought about dropping before I took the class, then decided to stay, and now I'm dropped. At least it wasn't because it was too hard. Just financial issues for the school. Means more free time for me :D I should really try to find a job now >.> But is it worth it for the next like 4 or 5 months? That I'm not sure, if I even get a job haha. I just pray I qualify for work study. I really need all the money I can get for college, no matter where I attend. The wait is a killer. Still haven't heard from 3 colleges, and one of them is the one I really want to hear from. Time is just flying by. Well I think this is enough for one day. Getting back to playing piano though :D Went to the piano room earlier and that was fun. I'm happy haha, but I really did forget how to play... Good night world :]

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