Sunday, January 15, 2012


I was watching the music channel and this song came on. It's so cute :D So today I had some friends come over to film for our Lit on Film movie. We got a lot done though too. I just hope we finish in a day or two once we get back so I can put it all together. We have like half of it done, but editing is gonna take me a while that's for sure. I'm so glad Deana knows how to do the whole DVD thingy or else I don't know what I would've done. Hopefully I'll finish that before the weekend since it's due the 23rd. Afterwards, I went to Target with my family. We came back and took a bike ride/walk around. I passed by the party and totally forgot about it. I actually walked the whole time and now my thighs are killing. Well I did sit in the park for quite a while. I even got an idea to ride in the grass at the park and my sister was all daring me to try it. I did xD It was funny and random, but I had fun. "Scooter boy" hahaha. Came home and just relaxed afterwards. I watched 500 Days of Summer. It was a good movie. Sad though. I always thought it was this happy love story, but it's realistic at least. I don't even remember the last time watching a movie without a happy ending. It was nice though. Now I'm sitting in the dark listening to music until I pass out, my parents tell me to sleep, or I go upstairs. I'll wait for the second one. Excited for tomorrow though. Almost the whole family is visiting. Monday will be my last free day. I'm already thinking about all the stuff I need to do for Tuesday. Stress alert haha. Gah, it sucks but it's school. If I work hard now, it'll be easy later just like my dad told me the day of my first job shadow at the bakery. I really do take his advice and my moms to heart. Good night world :]

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