Sunday, January 1, 2012

3 guys.

I meant to blog about this yesterday, but I got too hooked into my drama xD There's 3 guys I don't really talk about on this blog anymore. I guess these are 3 guys who had/have an impact in my life from school. I'm not going to name any names either.

Guy 1: This guy and I go way back to freshmen year. We were the best of friends. He was my best friend. I fell for him. A guy who fell for me too, but never told me. That's okay, I'm glad we were friends. I was like an open book. I didn't hide anything. I told him everything and anything basically. Now I hold back because I don't want to be so open anymore. I don't want to get hurt. We talked every single day almost. I went online just to talk to him. He made me more happier than any guy has ever made me. No one could compare to him. I hated how people talked about him behind his back. I wanted to stand up for him, but I didn't. It hurt me though. Time passed and eventually things changed. We stopped talking more and more often. This happened around junior year. He started talking to other people and well, our friendship just slowly faded away. I never gave up hope though. I always gave him second chances hoping things would change. But I hoped too much and waited to long. Soon enough I moved on. After he asked me to prom, we talked even less. Basically not at all. Before that we talked a little every now and then. But after April passed, it was over. I knew so much about him. Secrets, things no one else really knew, but everyone judged him. I didn't see his flaws, not until later, but my best friend was gone. I accepted it cause I realized I moved on. I talked to other people, but it hurt me to lose him. I'm glad he's happy though. I wouldn't want anything other than that.

Guy 2: This next guy and I were pretty close after we met. We talked a lot, but somehow along the way we stopped. I fell for him, but got over it that same day. I didn't tell anyone. We became good friends junior year because we had classes together. He was considered a good friend by then. He helped me and I helped him. I didn't realize all the little things he did for me until later. I stayed up really late just to talk to him. Those last few months of junior year were the best because of this guy and the next one. But this guy was the reason I stayed up late. I think I slowly started falling for him but I didn't realize it. Once summer came around, we didn't talk much again. Then by the start of senior year, I fell for him again. I didn't hide it this time, but things didn't work out. I knew it wasn't going to work out. It's okay though, he's still a great friend to me now. We still talk every now and then, but there's never much to talk about. He's always busy. But this guy hasn't let me down. Even if I had my heart broken, he was there when I needed someone the most. I broke down one night because I was going through a rough time, but he was there to comfort me. He helped me when I felt so lost and alone. I'll never forget that. Even though we probably won't talk much in the future, I still wish you the best.

Guy 3: Well here's the last guy. Man, where to begin haha. This guy is a joker all the time. Also a troll sometimes :P We didn't talk until sophomore year because of Algebra. After that, we just became friends helping each other with homework all the time, up until this day. Junior year I would go to his TA period and help out with the others. He's always cracking jokes and what not. Huge gossiper xD He can never be serious. We have random conversations sometimes, but he's always been the friend who cheers me up. Even though he never knows when somethings bothering me, he's been there for me. He always wishes me the best and I do the same. No matter what happens, this guy has been a great friend, I can't deny that. He doesn't know much about my personal life, although he does tell me random stuff about his. It's good he's not serious because I know who to go to if I need a laugh. I never mind when he makes fun of me because I know he's kidding. It's good to have that friend who's there. Very helpful when it comes to school problems and stuff. I know he will go far in life, no matter how much he criticizes himself.

These 3 guys have been there for me at different times. Each of them has made some impact in my life and the last two still do. Mostly the last one. I'm happy that I've gotten the chance to know each of them. Even if I don't talk to them in the future, it was great knowing them while I had the chance. I've learned a lot from each one and the experiences I've had with them I know I won't regret. These are the three guys that have had the biggest impact on me at MCHS. I won't even begin with the girls cause there are so many haha. But these guys made the best impressions and imprints. I wont forget our friendships, but I felt like I needed to blog about them. I'm not sure why, but I needed to. I guess to reminisce and remember. Thank you to these 3 guys :]

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