Monday, January 2, 2012

A year ago...

Somethings never change, not even in a year. I still feel like the same person, even though I know I changed. I just reread some old entries of mines from last year until the 2nd of January. I'm going to try and reread my old blogs and see how different things were for me a year ago. Some things changed and some don't. But it's nice to just look back sometimes. It's funny how last year I talked about the Pretty Little Liars marathon on the 3rd and this year it's on the 2nd. See, some things don't seem to change. Last night I stayed up thinking. I couldn't sleep for an hour or so and I caught myself thinking. I realized that I have a real problem. I'm on WAY too much that I'm addicted and I didn't know how serious it was. So I've decided that each day I'm gonna try to go on less. Maybe after dinner until I sleep. But this problem is just getting too crazy that I need to stop before I can't. I need some distance from the computer. That way I'll have more time for myself. I need to get rid of old habits and start fresh. I accidentally ripped my nails without knowing earlier >.> I have started eating veggies even if I don't like them. The first step is always the hardest but once you get use to it, it's worth it in the long run. While thinking last night/this morning, a song came onto the radio Fine By Me~Andy Grammer. I heard this song at 1:00AM and loved it. So, of course, I wrote it down to look it up today. It truly is a wonderful song. I knew it was him cause I can tell from his voice. I love it when that happens. Shows how much I pay attention and listen to the radio xD But a new year means new things. I need to be a better person. That's one resolution everyone should strive for.

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