I knew it was going to and it's finally happening. So today I went to Chipotle with the guys and Nicole. I saw my cousin in line and I was like oh wow haha. I didn't expect to see anyone, but last night I had the strangest feeling I would see someone that I know. We were just talking about school and he asked me what I was getting. I told him and he said he would pay and I rejected and said I could pay for myself. He said that he would since we met in line. Then Gabe thought he was some random person talking to me haha xD That was funny. So I go to pay and the lady tells me my burrito was already paid for and I'm just like -______- Dang hahaha. I was ready to pay and everything. But I told him thank you later on when he came by. It was nice of him but he really didn't have to. Afterwards, I went to the dentist since my filling was bothering me. It turns out my filling was cracked and if water continues to get in it, another cavity will form. He said only a few people realize it and it made me feel special that I did before it got worse. I could barely eat my burrito earlier too. So I'm staying away from hard food for a while now. Just to be sure. My mouth is still a little numb. It's been 4 hours already xD Only a little is still numb, but I feel it. He's so nice to my family, I'm really thankful how helpful he's been. Then I came home and I have some mail. I got one from school and I was like maybe it's my AA's but I didn't want to get my hopes up. It was my AA's :DDDDDDDD Ahhh man and my dad was like what's that and I told him my AA's and he was PROUD OF ME. Like he truly was. Best day ever haha. That just made my whole day/week/whatever right there. My mom was busy but my DAD being proud was so unexpected. It really meant a lot to me. I just needed that encouragement. So now I'll see how things will go from here on out, but things are good again. Better than good honestly. Good night world :]
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Today was a good day. I didn't feel out of place. I felt like I belonged, like nothing happened. Like things are okay again. But things change, I know. These past few days have been rough, but things are slowly getting better. It's nice to know that it was just a bump in the road, but I hope it stays that way. I'm happy again.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
I just don't know anymore.
Saw this on Tumblr and went like xsfjkhsadijfchzkm hahaha. However it's not worth spending $115 AUD that's for sure. Crazy price haha. But it's so cute. Ahh I just feel like crying myself to sleep. Why must there be so many problems at once? I swear now is not the time, but I guess obstacles are there for you to overcome. But sometimes I just wish I didn't have to deal with anything or anyone. Too bad I can't exactly say anything. So today I went to Shelly's surprise birthday party which was lots of fun. Then went to a family dinner and watched television. Went to my cousins house afterwards and helped her work on this project. I SUCK at making human sculptures or any sculptures. Honestly, it was pretty bad at first haha. I had fun though. Learned some things about my family that I never thought I would. I swear cheaters annoy the heck out of me you know. Why can't someones love be enough? Why do you have to cheat on someone who's willing to do so much for you? 10 years ago, I would've never guessed that things would up this way. I hate growing up sometimes. I also hate feeling like I'm alone when there are so many people around. The truth hurts. Good night world...
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Do what makes you happy.
I'm living by this now. I'm tired of being let down by other people and not having them realize that I can't always be there for them. I feel like people take me for granted sometimes and I hate that. I really do. This is what happens when I think at night. I tend to think too much. But I'm hurting and I don't want to anymore. There's also another quote similar to it that I just found:
"Do what makes you happy. Be with who makes you smile. Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live." ~Unknown
You know...
I give more than I get, care more than I probably should, and put others before myself. Maybe that's my biggest flaw. It's easy to take me for advantage because I'm reliable. Who would've thought caring too much would ever be a problem. Cause I didn't.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Something Like Fate.
"That's the tricky thing about being bonded to someone for life... We're irrevocably tied together by history, a history that can never be erased. Even if you want to deny it, even if you want to pretend it never existed, it will always be a part of you. It will always, in some way, define who you are."
Something Like Fate~Susane Colasanti
I liked The Unwritten Rule by Elizabeth Scott better since it was basically the same plot, but different ending. This was a good book though. Better than Waiting For You for sure.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
It's sad.
The one person who told me to download AIM is the person I basically talk the least to. There's always a part of me that wishes things could be the same, but I know that you're probably better off. You gave up, so why shouldn't I?
Monday, January 23, 2012
You could never tell by a glance.
I meant to post this yesterday, but I logged off and realized that I didn't.
So this year/last few months of last year have been pretty crazy. It's scary how well people hide things. How they can have a smile on their face even when everything is falling apart around them. How a persons past makes them who they are today. How someone can't tell what's going on just by looking at them. You never truly know someone and I realized that recently. It's crazy what you find out and learn about people. Took me 4 years to know that my own classmates are some of the strongest people I'll ever meet. Two in particular surprised me though. The first one was told to me by someone else and the other was just on accident. But I was really amazed at what I learned about their past and their present. It just surprised me at how they are okay on the outside like nothing is wrong. It really showed me that a person can overcome the hardest obstacles in life. I do give props to them for everything they've gone through and I hope that life brings them good things. They deserve way more than that.
I didn't do much today or yesterday. Same old, same old. Celebrated Chinese New Years with the family. That was fun :D Also watched the football games and the teams I were voting for lost >.> Disappointmenttt. But yeah I'm going for the Giants in the Superbowl. We'll see how that plays out in 2 weeks. Then today I went to class. Honestly, A days are slowly becoming boring sometimes. Too much free time in one day. I wish my A and B days were more balanced out. I also dropped Guidance and Interior Design. I didn't mind dropping Guidance, but I was looking forward to learning new things in Interior Design. I guess it wasn't meant to be. I mean I thought about dropping before I took the class, then decided to stay, and now I'm dropped. At least it wasn't because it was too hard. Just financial issues for the school. Means more free time for me :D I should really try to find a job now >.> But is it worth it for the next like 4 or 5 months? That I'm not sure, if I even get a job haha. I just pray I qualify for work study. I really need all the money I can get for college, no matter where I attend. The wait is a killer. Still haven't heard from 3 colleges, and one of them is the one I really want to hear from. Time is just flying by. Well I think this is enough for one day. Getting back to playing piano though :D Went to the piano room earlier and that was fun. I'm happy haha, but I really did forget how to play... Good night world :]
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Oh Sierra.
"Wonder what the future holds for us. Have you ever thought that deeply about it? The person we're gonna marry is somewhere on this earth right now. Could be in another country, could be around the block but they're out there somewhere."
She surprised me with this, but it's so true. I have thought about it and I wonder, when will I meet that person?
This may be the first Valentine's Day I won't be spending by myself xD I hope this works out haha.
Friday, January 20, 2012
I'm hungry.
Glad You Came~The Wanted
I heard this song on tv and loved it from there. Today was an okay day. I sit in the front for Government now >.> All alone with no one to talk to... It's like Avid all over again. Now listening to an old song I use to love. I'm determined to learn this song :D Time to go eat haha.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
So after watching American Idol and Project Runway All Stars, I watched The Key with my sister. Then I realized... I forgot to make the trailer. I was just like akDJajdnfjnsdfn from there on cause I need to bring it tomorrow. Ahhhh, I hate this. I thought I could sleep in and what not, but I guess not. Gah. Now I'm waiting for the video to save and just try to make a good trailer. Hah. The movie isn't that good so the trailer won't be that much different. Oh well, I had fun and that's what truly matters. Seeing your own story become reality is a good accomplishment for me haha. Now the wait begins. I wonder how long it'll take me. Trailers take a while... I guess we'll see. Good night world :]
So tired...
Today I went to piano and of course I was second to last to come xD But the teacher left for a while so I went to my locker and ran into Kenneth. I wasn't last at least xD I got a seat which is good. Quite a lot of people in the class and so many of us from school, mostly seniors. There's like 9 of us haha. Lunch was filled with interesting conversations. English, Government (keep wanting to call it Econ), and Lit on Film weren't too bad. Well Government was just x.x I managed in the class though. Then we're getting a seating chart D: As long as I don't sit in the front. We went to film but Nicole had to catch her bus so that was a problem. Have to film again tomorrow. Watched American Idol and it was hilarious. Very interesting auditions for sure haha. Excited for Interior Design tomorrow. Don't think I'll drop cause apparently we need 3.0 units on campus and without the class I'll only have 1.0 so I don't want to go to ASC. Man yesterday someone brings him up, then today someone else brings him up. I swear, I don't know why this is happening to me. We'll see how that goes. Good night world :]
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
First day back wasn't bad. I got a top locker, and I'm short so that definitely doesn't help. Man I went early for nothing haha. Then we filmed one scene. Will finish the rest tomorrow. I saw someone this morning and they HAD to wear that shirt. sdkjfhjsdfnxzkj. Whyyy D: Man to think all the feelings went away, there's always gonna be that part of me that won't stop caring. Then spending basically the rest of the day with you didn't help. Gahh, seeing you just makes me I don't know. Went to Chipotle and the park for free period. Didn't have much homework. So close to finishing my senior page. I keep adding stuff though xD I really hope that feeling goes away or else this is gonna be a long semester. Good night world & looking forward to piano tomorrow :]
Monday, January 16, 2012
The beginning of the end.
I woke up and decided to make the panda for my aunt since she was coming over later in the day. They eventually came over and I finished it. Got to hang out with my cousin for a while. Can't believe a month is gone already. Get to go back tomorrow. Two things due in a week and I almost finished one of them. The other isn't even close to finishing. Hopefully we finish filming tomorrow. That's all I ask for. Then I can put it all together and no more worries. I also hope I can get a good locker. I'm not going early for nothing. Well let's just hope it's not too packed. Good night world & best of luck to everyone who's going back :]
So today was pretty fun. I got to see the family all together, even if there is drama going on. Don't want to get into any of that right now. I watched the game between Packers and Giants. It was a pretty crazy game though. Those throws by Rodgers seemed like impossible half the time haha. Giants played a good game though even though I was rooting for Packers. Haha "Cheeseheads." My cousin was on his Facebook and didn't get the reference until my uncle, his dad, told him. That was funny. Oh and his money kleenex's haha. So random. We watched Spongebob too xD Then we went over to their house and watched tv, drank hot chocolate with lots of whipped cream, and had many laughs of course. "X" Hahahaha. Oh man. It was a good day though I must admit. If only days like today happened more often. I also got a haircut since it's the New Year. On the way home, I saw Big Dipper :DDD I seriously just went crazy after seeing it haha. Tonight was beautiful. There was a chance we were going out of town tomorrow, but it's not happening. One last day, at least I can spend it with my family again. That's all I could ever hope for. Also Happy Birthday to Dalia and James! Dalia was yesterday, James is today. Good night world :]
Sunday, January 15, 2012
I was watching the music channel and this song came on. It's so cute :D So today I had some friends come over to film for our Lit on Film movie. We got a lot done though too. I just hope we finish in a day or two once we get back so I can put it all together. We have like half of it done, but editing is gonna take me a while that's for sure. I'm so glad Deana knows how to do the whole DVD thingy or else I don't know what I would've done. Hopefully I'll finish that before the weekend since it's due the 23rd. Afterwards, I went to Target with my family. We came back and took a bike ride/walk around. I passed by the party and totally forgot about it. I actually walked the whole time and now my thighs are killing. Well I did sit in the park for quite a while. I even got an idea to ride in the grass at the park and my sister was all daring me to try it. I did xD It was funny and random, but I had fun. "Scooter boy" hahaha. Came home and just relaxed afterwards. I watched 500 Days of Summer. It was a good movie. Sad though. I always thought it was this happy love story, but it's realistic at least. I don't even remember the last time watching a movie without a happy ending. It was nice though. Now I'm sitting in the dark listening to music until I pass out, my parents tell me to sleep, or I go upstairs. I'll wait for the second one. Excited for tomorrow though. Almost the whole family is visiting. Monday will be my last free day. I'm already thinking about all the stuff I need to do for Tuesday. Stress alert haha. Gah, it sucks but it's school. If I work hard now, it'll be easy later just like my dad told me the day of my first job shadow at the bakery. I really do take his advice and my moms to heart. Good night world :]
Friday, January 13, 2012
Friday the 13th.
I realized that in the past, I usually get lucky on Friday the 13th. I have no idea why, but good things happen. I remember in 3rd grade I passed my multiplication table and something else happened in 6th grade. I forget after a while. And today was no exception. The EOP deadline for SLO was moved to January 30th instead of the 15th. Now that I finished my application, except for one part, I cana almost submit. I just need my parents info and I'm done. I'm really proud of myself. I was actually not gonna fill it out, but I'm glad things turned around. Thank goodness. This is a good sign though :D My procrastination isn't too bad :) This really made my day. I just hope I qualify.
Working on my senior page is making me realize how fast I'm growing up. I look back at these past years from when I was young until now, and I realized that I really changed. I've met some wonderful people who made my life better and they continue to do so until this day. Others have cause problems, but I ended up overcoming them. I've worked really hard in school and college acceptance or rejection letters will show if I've worked hard enough or not. I mean this is reality now. Once senior year comes, it's not always fun and games anymore. It's your future. It hit me so sudden, but now working on my senior page, I really feel like a senior now. I mean college apps and all that made me realize it too, but now I truly feel it. It's crazy, but it's happening. All I can really do is enjoy it with the people I love while it lasts.
Now I can truly understand the title of my blog too xD

Thursday, January 12, 2012
I just finished Lie to Me. Ahhh it was too cute >.< Time to go walk now :D
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Omg I love this drama haha. So right now she was all stressed because the minister brought up her boyfriend's marriage to another girl even thought it's false. He ditched his last chance to save the new business for the hotel just to be with her. They went out to eat and now they're on a date at an arcade. It's just so cute :D I didn't get a chance to blog about yesterday. Well the job shadow was super fun. After that I went hope and decided to go bike riding. After I raced on puzzles against my sister. I won xD But the black pieces all fit in the same spot so that was kinda stressful. I just put them all wherever but I fixed it this morning. Today I was gonna stay home but since my sister decided she wanted to go out with my parents, I decided to go too. We went to a few stores. Turns out I can't miss a single Joann's decorating class cause I can't make it one day so I'm going to wait until March. Hopefully the final products aren't due until late April. Then maybe I can take a later class cause you also have to pay for the supplies. To think $27 isn't enough for the class alone. I gotta pay more too D:< Then we came home and my dad left so we all took a bike ride/scooter ride/walk to the levee and a friend's house. Pretty exhausting but it was fun going with my mom this time since it's just me and my sister. We all got to go :D Came home and my sister suggested we have McDonald's so we did. Overall it was a pretty good day. This drama just makes it even more perfect. Man after finishing this one, I want to watch one more since it's the end of break. I'm also gonna wait for my permit since I'm a few months away so I don't have to pay for classes. It would be easier for my parents. Good night world & have a great Thursday :]]]]]]]]]]]]
Whomp whomp whomp.
While watching the drama Lie to Me, I realized several things.
1. Someone may be the right person for you, but you aren't the right person for them.
2. Sometimes you have to forget your first love and move on.
3. When will I meet my significant other?
3. When will I meet my significant other?
Sad but true. Man I wonder what happens to the younger brother. He's cute ;D And that last one is because I see the main characters doing all these cute things together and I wonder if it'll ever happen to me. Makes me think of how lonely I really am xD But at least I don't mind except when I watch cute things happen.
Well my job shadowing is now over :( I'm sad cause I really had fun and I'm gonna miss it all. I'll blog more tomorrow cause my back is killing me from puzzles and I'm tired. Good night world :]
Monday, January 9, 2012
So today I had my second job shadow at a bakery. Man my mentor was super nice and willing to show me a few things. I'm going back tomorrow since I didn't finish my hours, but I sure am learning a lot. Who knew that after watching all these tv shows about baking that I would finally get to see it up close myself. I think I'm going to do my final product on baking just because I've done the civil engineering one before. I'm willing to learn and try new things and I really want to go through with this. I can't wait :D Filming is finally turning out right, but I hope we can film the week we get back. The main scene is the one I'm unsure about. Everything else seems right. I don't even know if I can go to the DMV anymore cause job shadowing changed it all, so I'll have to see. I feel like if I don't get my permit now, it just shows that I basically failed. I keep telling myself I'm going to do it, but I never do. I feel like I'm holding myself back because I'm lazy and I'm not ready for it. But it seems the longer I wait, the more weight I have on my shoulders from people telling me to go and get my permit and it annoys me a lot. Well I'll just have to wait and see. Timing never goes right for me when it comes to getting my permit and I don't know. Good night world & I'm so excited for tomorrow :]]]]]]
It was nice seeing my family today. It's been a while and it's only been less than a week since the funeral. Man, its still hard to cope with. Even though he usually doesn't come over, having him gone is hard to accept. But it was funny when my dad was messing around with Raymond, taking his jello thingies and hiding it xD Then Justin started teasing him too. It was nice to have family around, except everyone's sick haha. The down side to it. Spent 3.5 hours working on a puzzle with my sister. Almost finished but my dads making me sleep >.> I'm super excited for my job shadow tomorrow :D Trying not to expect a lot, but I can't contain my excitement. I'll probably eat there too knowing how hungry I get xD Filming is just stressing me out, but I don't want to think about it. Good night workd & have a wonderful week :]
Sunday, January 8, 2012
5. Take 500 pictures with my camera for my Senior Album.
I definitely got 500 pictures :D I looked at my list and there wasn't many things crossed off. I must keep going if I want to finish the whole thing.
I'm happy with today. I spent time reading, watched a lot of the drama (5 episodes xD), got the film location set, worked on a puzzle with my sister, and had a good day overall. I couldn't sleep last night for over 2 hours, it was horrible. I was lying in bed wondering "why me" cause I was so tired but I couldn't fall asleep. That bike ride messed with my sleeping schedule xD But it was a fun day. I had like 3 croissants lol. They're so yummy. Now tomorrow I need to call the bakery to see if I can do my job shadow. I hope it won't be boring >.< That's the last thing that I want to happen. Next week is gonna be something. Good night world :]
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Oh man.
I just finished The Unwritten Rule by Elizabeth Scott. It was pretty good. I don't know why but it kinda made me realize that in life you have to hurt people, even if they are the ones that mean the world to you. There are some things you can't change. It sure ended differently than what I imagined, but overall I liked it. Two hours and 210 pages done. Now I want some pudding xD
When I start telling stories about my family, that's when I'm willing to tell you almost anything. Once I talk about stories, it's different. Something in me feels different. I don't know, but I feel like an open book once I do. Good night world :]
Friday, January 6, 2012
Another tiring day.
Since I went on that bike ride yesterday, I didn't wake up until 12:15, but stayed in bed until 12:45 xD I was pretty tired. Then after I had breakfast/lunch, I finally decided to clean my room after my sister was looking at all the junk in my desk. After 4 very long hours, I cleaned out under my desk, nightstand, top of my desk, books in my closet, this box of stuff in my closet, my bags, and the box under my bed. I swear, I didn't even know I had THAT much paper. The picture shows all the paper/junk I threw out. Quite a bit of stuff if you ask me. But I haven't fully cleaned my room since we moved in, so I'm not too surprised. I feel accomplished though. This is like a pre-cleaning before I go off to college xD I bet in a month or so it's going to be all messy again, but I know it won't be too bad. Hopefully. I found lots of old stuff that I didn't even realized I had and stuff that went missing. Everything's organized so I'm happy with that. It's been a very productive day. I'm feeling pretty proud to say that lol.
I was on Tumblr and came across a follower of mines with this comment on a picture: "I need to get myself a new wallet. My Hello Kitty one is becoming…well…a bit childish." How accurate hahaha.
Today was such a long day. Was cleaning my room and then we ended up going shopping. I got the string I needed :D Then I went bike riding with my sister. I found the places where we can film for the movie. We also rode all the way to the end of the levee which was fun. It felt like a summer day, not a winter one. On our way home, I felt like passing out and she wouldn't even give me the bike cause I had the scooter. I felt like I was dying >.> So we got home, had ice cream, and watched tv. We listened to some music and watched World's Dumbest. I decided to watch a drama called Lie to Me. It's pretty funny/weird so far. The characters are okay. The guys aren't that bad ;D But everyone says it's really good, so I'm sure it is. Well I'm so tired from the bike ride. Good night world :]
Thursday, January 5, 2012
So today, did nothing again >.> Of course. Except I started my FAFSA and I would get stuck on the last step before you submit it D: Always happens to me. So gotta wait for that now. However, I did make my penguins :D They're super cute :3 I wonder if I should make more haha. I have all these random colors, and not many more things I want to make. I don't know. I should just make random ones, but the penguin is too cute. I think I might make more. Or I should work on the bracelets now. Hmmm, yeah bracelets it is. My fingers are starting to get all weird again. Hehe, now I got couples ;D Man this is how productive my break has been xD Good night world :]
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
I wonder how disappointed my parents are in me. I'm not even lying, I really wonder how much I've let them down...
Somewhat productive day.
Haha this is what I call productive xD But these are the first ones I made for myself :D I already made 25 different figures. Proud of myself cause these take forever. I'm working on penguin ones now :D Gonna be so cute. So today I did do a few things that were somewhat productive. I told my group members for lit on film a day to all meet up. Now I just gotta look through the whole script and think out where I want everything to be filmed at. I had lots of time last night to think since I couldn't sleep for like two hours. I also got your gift idea :D Anyways, Jay told me the FAFSA didn't take him a long time, so I will fill that out tomorrow. Then I decided (hopefully) on a day I can go to the DMV, but I'm gonna really study next week before I go. So far, I'm doing okay. I still need an interview day and I have to call the bakery, but I'm pretty set. Oh and EOP too. Still got a list of things to do, but taking one step at a time. Woot woot. Good night world :]]]
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Finished Friends With Benefits with my sister earlier. It was pretty funny at some points like Hogwarts xD I loved the whole Hollywood part. I didn't see that coming at all. And the Flash Mob was the best haha. Found a few good songs too. The last two are from the movie.
Semisonic~Closing Time
Monday, January 2, 2012
Movies in 2012 look really good like The Vow and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I’m looking forward to them, especially The Vow.
So this was a TV show that I was watching and the guy was at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He was on a bike in the lake and I was like :O It's not the same guy, but this was the picture was the only one I could find on Google.. It's called water bicycling :D I did recognize The Petronas Towers that was from Wikipedia. I remember cause Angelica and I did a project on civil engineering for Avid sophomore year and those were the same towers. Ahh, I'd love to visit there someday and ride a bike on the lake :D
A year ago...
Somethings never change, not even in a year. I still feel like the same person, even though I know I changed. I just reread some old entries of mines from last year until the 2nd of January. I'm going to try and reread my old blogs and see how different things were for me a year ago. Some things changed and some don't. But it's nice to just look back sometimes. It's funny how last year I talked about the Pretty Little Liars marathon on the 3rd and this year it's on the 2nd. See, some things don't seem to change. Last night I stayed up thinking. I couldn't sleep for an hour or so and I caught myself thinking. I realized that I have a real problem. I'm on WAY too much that I'm addicted and I didn't know how serious it was. So I've decided that each day I'm gonna try to go on less. Maybe after dinner until I sleep. But this problem is just getting too crazy that I need to stop before I can't. I need some distance from the computer. That way I'll have more time for myself. I need to get rid of old habits and start fresh. I accidentally ripped my nails without knowing earlier >.> I have started eating veggies even if I don't like them. The first step is always the hardest but once you get use to it, it's worth it in the long run. While thinking last night/this morning, a song came onto the radio Fine By Me~Andy Grammer. I heard this song at 1:00AM and loved it. So, of course, I wrote it down to look it up today. It truly is a wonderful song. I knew it was him cause I can tell from his voice. I love it when that happens. Shows how much I pay attention and listen to the radio xD But a new year means new things. I need to be a better person. That's one resolution everyone should strive for.
Today is the funeral. The skies are all gloomy. I'm not sure how I'm feeling right now.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
3 guys.
I meant to blog about this yesterday, but I got too hooked into my drama xD There's 3 guys I don't really talk about on this blog anymore. I guess these are 3 guys who had/have an impact in my life from school. I'm not going to name any names either.
Guy 1: This guy and I go way back to freshmen year. We were the best of friends. He was my best friend. I fell for him. A guy who fell for me too, but never told me. That's okay, I'm glad we were friends. I was like an open book. I didn't hide anything. I told him everything and anything basically. Now I hold back because I don't want to be so open anymore. I don't want to get hurt. We talked every single day almost. I went online just to talk to him. He made me more happier than any guy has ever made me. No one could compare to him. I hated how people talked about him behind his back. I wanted to stand up for him, but I didn't. It hurt me though. Time passed and eventually things changed. We stopped talking more and more often. This happened around junior year. He started talking to other people and well, our friendship just slowly faded away. I never gave up hope though. I always gave him second chances hoping things would change. But I hoped too much and waited to long. Soon enough I moved on. After he asked me to prom, we talked even less. Basically not at all. Before that we talked a little every now and then. But after April passed, it was over. I knew so much about him. Secrets, things no one else really knew, but everyone judged him. I didn't see his flaws, not until later, but my best friend was gone. I accepted it cause I realized I moved on. I talked to other people, but it hurt me to lose him. I'm glad he's happy though. I wouldn't want anything other than that.
Guy 2: This next guy and I were pretty close after we met. We talked a lot, but somehow along the way we stopped. I fell for him, but got over it that same day. I didn't tell anyone. We became good friends junior year because we had classes together. He was considered a good friend by then. He helped me and I helped him. I didn't realize all the little things he did for me until later. I stayed up really late just to talk to him. Those last few months of junior year were the best because of this guy and the next one. But this guy was the reason I stayed up late. I think I slowly started falling for him but I didn't realize it. Once summer came around, we didn't talk much again. Then by the start of senior year, I fell for him again. I didn't hide it this time, but things didn't work out. I knew it wasn't going to work out. It's okay though, he's still a great friend to me now. We still talk every now and then, but there's never much to talk about. He's always busy. But this guy hasn't let me down. Even if I had my heart broken, he was there when I needed someone the most. I broke down one night because I was going through a rough time, but he was there to comfort me. He helped me when I felt so lost and alone. I'll never forget that. Even though we probably won't talk much in the future, I still wish you the best.
Guy 3: Well here's the last guy. Man, where to begin haha. This guy is a joker all the time. Also a troll sometimes :P We didn't talk until sophomore year because of Algebra. After that, we just became friends helping each other with homework all the time, up until this day. Junior year I would go to his TA period and help out with the others. He's always cracking jokes and what not. Huge gossiper xD He can never be serious. We have random conversations sometimes, but he's always been the friend who cheers me up. Even though he never knows when somethings bothering me, he's been there for me. He always wishes me the best and I do the same. No matter what happens, this guy has been a great friend, I can't deny that. He doesn't know much about my personal life, although he does tell me random stuff about his. It's good he's not serious because I know who to go to if I need a laugh. I never mind when he makes fun of me because I know he's kidding. It's good to have that friend who's there. Very helpful when it comes to school problems and stuff. I know he will go far in life, no matter how much he criticizes himself.
These 3 guys have been there for me at different times. Each of them has made some impact in my life and the last two still do. Mostly the last one. I'm happy that I've gotten the chance to know each of them. Even if I don't talk to them in the future, it was great knowing them while I had the chance. I've learned a lot from each one and the experiences I've had with them I know I won't regret. These are the three guys that have had the biggest impact on me at MCHS. I won't even begin with the girls cause there are so many haha. But these guys made the best impressions and imprints. I wont forget our friendships, but I felt like I needed to blog about them. I'm not sure why, but I needed to. I guess to reminisce and remember. Thank you to these 3 guys :]
Words of wisdom.
"It doesnt matter what you do as long as you're happy doing it. It won't be a job because you'll be happy knowing that this is what you want to do."
Those words were said by my uncle's coworker, along the lines of that. She was a nice lady who gave me advice and made a few funny comments, but you can tell she's a very loving person. Thank you :]
Just finished The Greatest Love and it took me 3 days o.o Man this was a good drama. No wonder I finished it so fast xD Ahh, it was too cute. I loved how he confessed in episode 5. Now I want to watch another drama xD Ahh man lol.
The Maine :D
Catchy: Thinking of You~The Maine
Slow: I'm Sorry~The Maine
Favorite: Don't Give Up On "Us"~ The Maine
Happy New Year!!! :DDD
I hope everyone has a great 2012. Make mistakes, take chances, and don’t regret. Best of luck. I'm glad I got the chance to spend New Year's with my family and friends :D Webcamming and counting down was fun. Good night world :]
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