Thursday, July 7, 2011

Who are you?

In Music 4 today, our teacher asked some random people in the class that question. He ended up choosing me >.> I didn't mind actually because I thought I had a good response. The guy behind me kept complaining his was stupid and he didn't have enough time to think about it because he was called first. It wasn't even that bad aha. Most people don't think about who they are. It's something that we know without saying. Well, some of us haha. I said, "I'm a person trying to find myself." It's so true though. People gave simple answers like "me" or "a boy." Things like that. But I thought the people who really dug deep gave great answers. I wish I had more time to think of more stuff, but it's an answer I'm sure some people would like to say. I generally know what kind of person I am, what I'm good at, what I'm not so good at. It's just obvious to me. But sometimes, I feel like I don't know what I really want. Well yet. Oh and the other day I had this interesting dream. I was at this summer school called Jose Valdez I went to a few years ago, which was where I attended elementary school. So there's these portables, and instead of them being classrooms, they were like hotels. Small on the outside and massive on the inside. It was crazy. There's like 10 new bunk beds with bathrooms and everything. We also had the same teachers as the Jose Valdez ones. It was creepy but cool cause we got to live at school and everyone was people from school. Only some of my friends were in it but there was also my friends outside of school. It was fun. Except both my knees got severly scraped, yet I don't know how that happened. I ended up not being in the same rooms as my friends, yet we were all the in the same class. Then there was this famous guy named TK, no idea who that is, but I know he's some famous asian singer on youtube? I don't remember. We also were gonna watch at the IMAX theater which was literally right across from a regular theatre but the moves weren't good and the times weren't right. I find it so odd how hecka people from my school were in it. I hardly have those dreams haha. But it was fun and interesting. I wish it could be real though. It reminds me of college though. Well it was a good dream except my knees >.> At least I remembered this one aha :]

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