Monday, July 18, 2011


Long freaking day. 4 hours of waiting on nothing. Wish I brought my bracelets to work on. I saw Jamie though! We caught up for a while. Can't believe that happened. Whoever did that, I just don't even wanna say anything cause there's so many words (not good ones) going through my mind all day after I found out. I at least gotta say this to whoever you are: You're just pathetic and I wish you knew. You need to find something better to do and stop ruining people's lives. People work hard and earn what they have, yet you still have pride after stealing that away from them? That's disgusting. Just plain disgusting. Well after that note, I'm so tired since I been staring at this screen all day. I should, no I MUST, start my paper tomorrow. That's my plan. And work on bracelets. Almost doneee :DDD Can't believe I raised that much. Crazy what people can do when they put their minds to it. Anyways, I should really sleep. Good night world & maybe things could go right for me, just this once...

I don't even feel like putting a smiley, but I feel I must. Good night world :]

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