Sunday, July 31, 2011


CalPoly was freaking hugeee. Ahh it was so cool. I really wouldn't mind going there. Today was a very good day. Blog more when I get the chance. Good night world :]

Saturday, July 30, 2011

I'm blogging a lottttt

Maybe cause I have a lot to say. Or I'm just bored haha. From Tumblr:

“All I ever wanted was someone who will stay, no matter how complicated I may be. The game ain’t always fair and that’s the thing though, you can play your heart out but not everyone ends up with an engagement ring though.” ~Drake


I hate it when people say "you should make me..." Like really? I shouldn't have to. You should ask "can you..." not "you should..." It makes it sound like I have to make you something >.> Freeloaders -_____-


I don't know if I should make bracelets and sell them. People said I should, but I don't know. It feels wrong for some reason haha. I'm not a person who accepts money like nothing, which is why I never charge anyone. Oh I don't know anymore...

& you're gone like the wind...

It fell apart a long time ago, yet it took me this long to realize it. What a shame.


Those cell phone charms are super cute :D I wish my phone had a place to put cell phone charms, but it doesn't -____- I have so many cell phone charms but none of my phones have the part to hang them so I'm like D: Whyyy haha. I don't know what to do with the boy LOL. Maybe I should give it to someone haha. But then it would be kinda weird since it's like a pair. Oh well. I should start Kevin's bracelet now. Oh and the other day I had this dream about senior prom. It was interesting haha. Anyways, I'll blog more later.

Random Fact Number 3: I like getting hugs, but I don't hug other people that much xD

Friday, July 29, 2011

Toaaaaaddddd :DDDD

Oh yes. It's Toad :] Or mushrooms. Whatever floats your boat. It's so cute :DDD Omg I love this bracelet hahaha. Can't wait to make more! :3


I feel like putting random facts of myself that people probably don't know about me. And yes, the first one isn't exactly a fact. Just something I always wanted to happen to me. I'll try to post one a day if I can. Sometimes more if I want. Some of these will be weird. Just warning you ;D

Random Fact Number 1: I always wanted to receive a whole bunch of colorful balloons. It doesn't even have to be a special occasion like a birthday or anything, but it makes more sense that way haha. Something about balloons fascinate me. Now this leads to my next fact.

Random Fact Number 2: When it's my time to go, I want people to have different colored balloons with a note tied at the bottom of the string with a wish or a thought they have about me, and then release them all at once after everyone's done. That would make me very happy. This could work for my wedding too, if I ever get married haha.

Oh the pain.

I just got another bruise. But it's on my other knee. I think it's on the same spot as the other side >.> Thank goodness for ointment that prevents bruising and swelling! I didn't even know there was such thing. I very much appreciate it Germany :D (it was made in Germany ;D) So close to fiinishing this mushroom bracelet. Must finish tonight! Now I wonder what bracelet I should make next though. Penguin :3 Oh yes haha. Or Domo. I'm not too sure yet. We'll see :]


I just finished City Hunter and man the last episode had me cryingggggg. It was so sad! I mean the past episodes were quite sad, but I didn't cry. After the Jin Pyo and Yoon Sung were pointing their guns at each other, I just kept on crying. My sister was like WTF haha. I can't believe I'm done watching it. Well it was very emotional and dramatic that's for sure. But the ending makes me think, what happened to ______. I hope there's another season. It was just a great drama. Too much blood for me to handle though. Well time to finish up this bracelet :D

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I'm so happy :]

Well today I didn't do much. Sat around at home. Watched television. Made bracelets. Same old same old right? Nope. I started my mushroom bracelet, and I must say it looks awesome. And I mean really awesome haha. I love string oh so much :D With a passion haha. Now I'm gonna be obsessed with the site making all these big cool bracelets :D YEEEE. Haha <3 I'm in a really good mood right now ;D I hardly put hearts. Anyways, edited my Tumblr also. New backgrounds. I feel like spamming your ask box, but I won't xD I think making bracelets have really put me in a good mood. I feel relaxed. Omg last episodes of City Hunter is up. Man still gotta watch the last episode. Will do sometime tomorrow. Helping my mom cook is fun :D Now she calls me to help her as much as I can. I need another book to read. Maybe I'll reread some Sarah Dessen books. Sounds like a plan! :D Something about today was different. You were overly happy compared to usual. It's not weird, but I enjoyed it. It made me really calm. It's great to see the even happier side of you. Not that you aren't always happy, but you were so enthusiastic. It made me happy. Well I'm gonna go get some sleep now. Good night world & Sierra, it's finally Friday tomorrow hahaha. You survived your first week of school! :]]]]]]]]]]

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I wanna see my friends again D:

I mean all my friends, but mostly the ones that don't go to school with me anymore D: I need to hang out with them more since it's last year and all. We hardly see each other as is. Gotta spend more days together like the bowling/mall day. Now that is something I need to do with all my friends haha. Can't believe it. Last year together with so many wonderful people. So many have helped me through my good and bad times that I don't want to lose any of them. Or forget them. I'm going to miss everyone so much. I hope I don't lose contact with my close friends either. They have done so much for me. Well enough sad talk, had another okay day. Made that 3 bracelet into one that I really like but took me forever >.> My mom won't take me to Joann's so I'm like D: Nooooo. Watched Project Runway reruns. New season is tomorrow YEEE. I been waiting for this day to come lol. Finished Evercrossed in one day. Man, I LOVE reading and miss it so much. Must get lots and I mean LOTS of book at Borders if we go >:D Teehee. Helped my mom cook and plan and doing that much more now. Got lots of fresh air. That felt good but I think the neighbor thinks I was watching him or something. I wasn't >.> I just wanted fresh air lol. It was a good day. Very relaxing. Just a few more days and I feel like I can really relax. But then again, seeing a college will make me realize how old I'm getting and what not. But it's part of life. I have to grow up even if I don't want to.

11:11 I wish things will go well.

Not like they aren't but still. Just to have everything go well would be nice. Listening to Taylor Swift on random at night before I sleep. Really puts me in a calm mood. Thinking back to all the times I listened to her. The times when I first opened her CD and listened to it nonstop for days. The times her songs helped me through the roughest times I've had in my life. Her music basically saved my life. I'm not even kidding when I say that. Her music was there for me when I felt like I had no one. And I can't be more thankful for that. I still find it hard to believe that you think I would say something like that. I mean you know me so well, yet you think I would say something as mean as that to you? I feel like you still don't know me sometimes. Like I'm gonna just give up on our friendship someday. Well I'm not. You should know better. I'm not messed up like that. I have self-pride. Whatever happened in your past, isn't always going to happen in your future. I like proving people wrong, and our friendship is much stronger than that. Maybe stronger than I think. Whatever happens, happens. As of now, I don't think our friendship is going anywhere. If anything, it's getting even stronger. Well, I'm starting to close my eye lids. Good night world & have a great week :]]]]]]]]


Yeeeee. 3 different designs done :D And it only took me 3-4 days. I feel so proud hahaha. Time to make Kevins. That's gonna take forever >.> I hope I can get some string this week :]

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"Give me the chance to love you I'll tell you the only reason why Cause you are on my mind."

On My Mind~Cody Simpson

So last night I heard this song at like 11:52 PM on Khop and had to look it up today. It was so catchy and definitely doesn't sound like his other song that's for sure. I said it's cause of puberty. It sounds like Next to You~Chris Brown ft. Justin Bieber. But anyways it's super cute! There was this other song that had the lyrics letting go and when I looked on the list of songs they played, it wasn't there -____- I hate it when they do that. It's like where's the songgg D: And I looked everywhere but couldn't find it, but I found one with those lyrics that were good too haha. Another great song I listened to was:
"I sit by myself talking to the moon try to get to you in hopes you're on the other side talking to me too." -Talking to the Moon~Bruno Mars
It's super cute too! Ahh, so many good songs lol. I heard this while watching this super sad video D: Heartbeat It's so sad that I thought I was going to cry :( On the bright side, I learned two patterns for this week. Sorry I'm not posting much lately, but there isn't a lot to talk about. And because my life isn't that interesting. I must read more books! I miss reading >.< So much. I should rant soon :D Just to take up room lol. I'm sure you guys want something random to read about haha. More than just one sentence or a line xD Yes, I'll think of something unless I get an idea from someone. We'll see. I'll try to rant tomorrow haha. I hope City Hunter will be all done by Thursday. Must watch. DMV in two weeks. I WILL go and pass. Must go on the computer less. I'm on for like 11 hours a day. I'm not even kidding... Anyways, must finish this bracelet. I'll take a picture of the ones I made if I remember. Good night world & have a great Wednesday (unless you're going by a different calendar then have an awesome day!!) :]]]]]]]]]]]]

P.S. I saw this duck, piano, and Eiffel Tower pattern that I want to learn soon. YEEEEE :DDDDD Must go to Joann's this week before we go :D Then I have something to do in the car haha. Oh and we finally talked today so that made me happy. Just cause you're funny & sweet :3 (Nemo always uses this face xD)

Summer List... again

This was the list of things to do I posted back in May:

Things to do this summer:

1. Get a haircut
2. Finish Shining Inheritance
3. Go kayaking
4. Star neckalce
5. Bracelet with my name & another design
6. Decorate/bake cupcakes
7. Experiment around
8. Permit before summer school/summer?
9. Camping?
10. LA
11. Find myself
Well I did number 7 for sure. I also did part of number 5 but I learned 2 different designs. I'm getting ready for another new design. I don't know when I should do letters though... Anyways number 10 is gonna happen! 8.. I'm not sure anymore. 3 & 6 I'm not sure I even can with 2 weeks left. 4 I think I still can. My goal is to do 5 of these and I have 3.5 done. 1.5 more haha. I wish I could do more this summer. I really wanna get my permit and make more bracelets. Maybe I should just do that... At least I'm trying to be productive :]

Awww :D

"I want a boy best friend who will call me beautiful, and like my photos on facebook, commenting them saying things such as the fact he's proud to have me as a bestfriend Or Call Me Pretty .The One that I can call up, crying about other boys, and him saying he'll beat the shit out of them for me. A boy bestfriend who will drive me around like he's my big brother, and kiss me on my cheek/forehead when he knows I'm upset. One who becomes friends with my boyfriend and one who calls me up to see what I'm doing. I want a boy best friend who will tell me when I'm wrong, and force me into fixing things and apologizing because he knows that it will make things better for me. I just want a perfect boy best friend, who will love me and protect me from all the other boys."
Read this from Tumblr. It's just too cute! :]

Monday, July 25, 2011


Listening to old songs by The Fray relaxes me so much. Good night world & listen to some of their music :]]]]]]]]

Dogs are too cute :D

I need one!! :]]]]]]]


Done with 18 eps in 3 days. Good night world & waiting is gonna make me sad haha :]

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Why is it so hard to let go of the past?


I really miss talking to the both of you. That great feeling of happiness in my heart that I usually get has been gone for too long. I miss it so much.


Another day. Already on episode 12 >.< Yeah, I'm addicted haha. I wonder what drama I should watch next. Anyways, good night world & have a great weekend! :]]]]]]]]]

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My little heart is crushed >.>

Today was the last day of summer school :D Woohoo finally over after 6 weeks. It was longer then haha. Now it's like wow, it's already over. I ended up getting an A in Music and I was just like :OOOOOOO YESSSSSSS. Hahaha. I hope the same happens in English too. I worked so hard in that class all semester. The only thing I'm worried about is the whole final thingy. Hopefully she didn't use my notes word for word >.> Ahh, we'll see soon enough. So I got to hang out with my friends today and man it was HECKA fun haha. Spent the day with Sierra, Lucas, Jennifer, Maryann, and Brandy. We went bowling and then the mall. Bowling was super fun :D I got 99. I'm always close to 100 but I never get it haha. Darn. Omg I kept knocking down 8 pins and the last 2 left would be the two furthest in the back row and I'm like >.> I missed both pins every single time! That happened like 3 times too. Yeah, 8 pins aren't my lucky number haha. I got a strike right when Sierra said that I was the only person without knocking down all pins yet. After failing attempts of taking pictures and watching them play DDR, we went to the car to head to the mall. Oh and when I got there Sierra couldn't think of the word synonms but in a different form. I was cracking up when she said synonisms or something like that. We just all cracked up like crazy haha. So at the car, Jennifer started freaking out over the truck she drove. She like fell in love with it haha. It was super funny. She was like :O OMG haha. It was a interesting car ride with loud music, crazy singing and dancing, and just a good time haha. It was super hot though >.> We went to Sherwood to get some food. And OMG, I saw those shoes at Claire's! I like fell in love with them. I was like :OOOOO MUST HAVE. But my mom said I shouldn't but anything I don't need and I didn't want her to get mad at me. It was buy one get one free. And guess what she says when I go home. "You should've bought them" and I'm like -_____- Now you tell me! Hahaha. Must go backkkkk! I'll be SUPER sad if they don't have them if I go back again. They had cute stuff at both malls though. Then we went to the other mall and looked at so many random stores. I hate how people stared when we were leaving though >.> It's like stuck in my head. Funny going up and down the escalator haha. Totally my idea ;D Overall, I just had an amazing day. Oh and we took those photo booth pictures because I never took one before so I was like :DDD Must try it for once. It was funny squeezing 5 people in a booth that should only fit 2-3 people. Trying on clothes everywhere and taking pictures throughout the day. Girl's day out basically since Lucas always left when we got to the mall. It was just an amazing day to hang out and just relax after 6 crazy weeks of school. I needed today. To catch up, to have new memories, and to just start new. Today felt like the first day of summer. How sad. But it's a great start :D I really hope I can get those shoes >.< Good night world & have a great weekend! Good luck to everyone with finals tomorrow! :]]]]]]]]]


I only got 7 pages completed >.> Didn't study for Music or do the extra credit >.> Not done with my English notes >.> I'm just surprised that I got so much done, but it wasn't enough. We'll see how it all goes soon. But I'm so stressed out about everything. Good night world & wish me the best, I'ma need it :]

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


2.5 pages down. 5.5 left to go. I GOT THIS!! Haha. I have a feeling I won't be able to blog later cause who knows when ima finish. I probably can't watch the movie either D: NOOOOO. Man I really need that extra credit. I'ma be super disappointed if I get a B in that class. CRAM for final haha. So yeah, wish me luck tomorrow. Can't believe these 6 weeks flew by. Anyways I got like 3 hours left to finish. Must do this and beat the impossible haha. I'm super excited for tomorrow. Ahhh, I can't believe the day is finally here. You don't know how happy I am and I been waiting for like 2 months for this day. EEEPPP :D Okay enough of that. Btw, pictures were ehhh. My hair I didn't like. Oh well, it was a nice picture, but I wish I had a better one. Okay, I keep talking haha. Good night world & have a great weekend everyone!! :]]]]]]]]]]]]

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It was a good day, sort of.

I got 50/50 on my response paper :D Me gots a 99% in English YAY. Music on the other hand, not so good... Didn't even get my hour cause I ran into Daniel and David. I haven't seen them in like 4 years! It was good catching up. I have never talked to David before for that long haha. Daniel I talked to a little bit more, but not that much. On the ride home, I saw Robert and I'm like o.o what is up with this week with me seeing all my old classmates?!?! And then Thursday too haha. I'm so excited. I got tomorrow to finish my 8-10 page paper on social networking. Man, this will be a miracle if I finish. Pictures tomorrow >.> I'm really feeling old now D: Everyone talking to me about college doesn't make it any better. Anyways, I need sleep. Good night world & no you will not get me on a roller coaster. You haven't before and you won't in the future :]]]]]]]]

Monday, July 18, 2011


Long freaking day. 4 hours of waiting on nothing. Wish I brought my bracelets to work on. I saw Jamie though! We caught up for a while. Can't believe that happened. Whoever did that, I just don't even wanna say anything cause there's so many words (not good ones) going through my mind all day after I found out. I at least gotta say this to whoever you are: You're just pathetic and I wish you knew. You need to find something better to do and stop ruining people's lives. People work hard and earn what they have, yet you still have pride after stealing that away from them? That's disgusting. Just plain disgusting. Well after that note, I'm so tired since I been staring at this screen all day. I should, no I MUST, start my paper tomorrow. That's my plan. And work on bracelets. Almost doneee :DDD Can't believe I raised that much. Crazy what people can do when they put their minds to it. Anyways, I should really sleep. Good night world & maybe things could go right for me, just this once...

I don't even feel like putting a smiley, but I feel I must. Good night world :]

Sunday, July 17, 2011

"Everybody's looking for that something One thing that makes it all complete You find it in the strangest places Places you never knew it could be."

I love old songs :D Thanks to my dad haha. He has all these random CDs with old songs and I always like them. Not like most music today. People use to sing about love, and now people think it's stalking. Reminds me of the time we listened to the song Every Breath You Take by The Police in class. I thought it was a love song, but people are like no it's a stalker song. I'm just like wow -____- Society these days. I agreed afterwards, but that's not what I heard. Things change. People change. It's a part of life. Good night world & have a great week :]]]]]]]]]]]]]

What a night.

Yesterday was so much funnnn. First, I got lost trying to find the place. Like I found the building, but had no idea where to enter at -___- So we parked and waited until some of my friends came. Then I saw Shelly and Kayla, so I went in with them. It was decorated so pretty! I was like WOW there's just so much pink and green everywhere haha. I was just blown away by everything. I sat with Oksana, Debora, Brittany, Danilo, Aman, and Alma in the back. It was kinda hard to see sometimes, but we were a very spirited table haha. That's probably why we got
so many weird looks from people. There were performances, dances, food, pictures, singing, 18 candles, 18 roses, 18 treasurers, father daughter dance, videos, dancing, and more. Everything was done so nice and amazing I'm like :DDD It honestly felt like a prom/wedding mixed with a birthday party. It was definitely an unforgettable night. It was so cute seeing her brother singing to her. We had many laughs at our table about random stuff xD Debora being a weirdo about Brittanys "other brother", her chocolate, Alma's facial expressions, and more. It was
one crazy party. There were so many family members! I messed up on my speech but I don't mind. Gabe's didn't make mines look so bad haha. It was entertaining seeing everyone come together and making it a great night. That's the gift I ended up making Mary. Words that describe her on the border and her name in pink and green zebra print. Pictures of past memories with many more to come. I couldn't be more happy with the way it turned out! Hard work pays off :D And the flowers looked amazing :DDD I'm like :O So pretty haha. The dancing was just crazy. I learned the Cupid Shuffle haha. It felt like another school dance. Those lights were blinding though >.< It was definitely a great experience that I know I'll never forget. I'm so lucky to have her in my life. She is not only a friend, but like a sister. I couldn't have asked for more. Thank you for always being there for me, helping me whenever I need you. It really means a lot to me :]]]]]]]]]]]]] ♥

Friday, July 15, 2011


So I was on tumblr and a post said "I still remember how we started talking." For some reason, I thought back to the time you were making yourself dinner because your parents weren't home. You said you were going to take a picture and show me. A while later, you told me you finished eating your food and forgot to take a picture xD Hahaha. I still remember that for some odd reason. What a fail haha :]

Thursday, July 14, 2011


I'm sure you got the message already, but I got to say it one more time. Four. More. Days. :DDD Hahaha. I got 50/50 on my last two assignments: the annotated bibliography that I stayed up until 12:00AM trying to finish & basically guessed on the whole thing after taking another hour or so trying to figure out how to do it -____- and my anaylsis paper or as I call it an outline on capital punishment. Woot woot. All I have left is the final paper and my teacher needs to grade our response essay on Letter to Birmingham Jail. I have to say that was an amazing letter with the circumstances he was in. I was just blown away. A historical piece that I found very captivating. Working on music homework now. We have to listen to an album by someone or a band that we never heard before and write about each track. This is fun. I was at my mom's work and they had the radio playing. The song Chances~Five for Fighting came on and I just loveddd it. I'm excited to hear the rest of the CD. I only heard Slice and that one was super good too. Gotta love music :]]]]]] Now, need to finish Paulina's bracelet and I'm good for the weekend. Hopefully. Mary's party is in two days. I can't wait. I didn't expect talking to James today since we hardly have a conversation in person. Wish I could've went to get food with Debora, Angelica, and Sydney, but my dad was already on his way. Next week maybe:DDD I really hope we go kayaking cause that sounds like so much fun haha. Time to work on homework ;D

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Another day...

Well I finally finished my response essay. Earlier than yesterday. ONE MORE ESSAY TO GO. I should finish it by Tuesday so I won't have to worry about it. We'll see how well that goes haha. Anyways, Brittany really cheered me up about the whole Zack thing. We hardly talk now too, so it means a lot. It's great to have friends who will help you through anything. To just have someone there to tell everything to. Good night world & have a great Thursday! After tomorrow, just 4 more days of summer school. FOUR MORE. Hahaha :]]]]]]]]]]]

Not my week.

I actually didn't pass out in either of my classes xD Thank goodness haha. I know I missed one on my quiz and the letter seems good. But there's always something bad that happens. Two days ago, James told me about a communication studies class with this teacher everyone likes and I wanted to switch since it was open, but I was taking one with Mary and she didn't want to so I thought oh well. Then I ask this girl in my class about the teacher and he seems pretty strict about everything so we were gonna switch to the other teacher. I go and check to see if it's open and now it's completely full! I'm like -______________- It was only 2 days ago and wasn't full before. All I can think of is BLAH. This sucks >.> Hopefully the teacher isn't as bad as she said. The notes will be easy, but recording us? I hope he doesn't do that and that it's just for the summer class. I'm hoping for the best, but man will a day go the way I want this week?


Tomorrow is gonna suck. I will pass out in both classes, didn't study for my quiz, and didn't even read the essay I have to write a response on. WHY?!?! Man, I need sleep. Good night world & hopefully your week is better than mines :]

Yeah I'm feeling like =/ right now

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I just want to sleep.

I was SO tired today that I passed out in Music and English -_____- At least my english teacher let us out early cause I was so out of it. Then I took a nap for an hour later. I knocked out. Now I gotta finish up my homework so I can watch PLL. I can't wait. But my eyes are just killing me right now >.> Must sleep early tonight & I have a quiz tomorrow.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Good, bad, good...

I thought today was going great. Until a few things happened. I go to school and see Angelica. Then we go to class and it's cancelled. Woot woot. That was great news. Went to the music lab, then the lounge to nap. Gabe randomly knocks on the window and tries "hiding" which didn't work haha. He was crawled up on the floor and I was staring until he got up xD Then Angelica comes back and we just chat until it was time for class. I got a 95/100 on my essay today :D I only lost 10.8 points so far. That's great news :D Then after english, I go to the lounge to see people. Next thing you know, I get a call. My grandpa and sister got into an accident. Some lady hit the back bumper cause she wasn't paying attention -____- Another accident. Man. And it always happens when someone goes to pick me up. Gahhh. Terrible. Feel like it's all my fault, again. Then I go home and my grandpa cools down. Everything seemed okay again but it's always in the back of my mind. Went bike/scooter riding with my sister. That was fun until I raced her home -____- Just so much going on. 7 days left of school. Good night world & I hope you're having a better week than I am :]

Good day.

Today ended up going better than I expected. Got to see my cousin after so long. Went to go eat Dim Sum and I saw Teresa. Hecka people from Darrians side of the family works there. So funny when you told me that haha. Then went to Food 4 Less and that was funnn. Went down almost every aisle looking for stuff. Had a fun time since we hardly go there. Then went back home and watched tv. Finished Mary's flowers and gift today. OMG, I'm so happy with how her gift came out. I can't wait to show her it. YEEEEE. It was fun watching Harry Potter Marathon, Food Network, Hoarding: Buried Alive (crazy show), Fairly Odd Parents: Grow Up Timmy Turner (happy ending:D), and idk what else. Ohhh, On Demand for hoursss. Until it failed on us haha. Bevan hasn't changed much. I reallyyyyyyyyyyyyy hope we can go to LA and visit. Good night world & hopefully your hands don't kill you like mines were. Have a great week everyone!!! :]]]]]]]

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Burned myself over three times today, can't see my fingers from using scissors for like 5 hours+, and hit myself with scissors. Not my day >.> At least I have ONE more step and I'm DONE with Mary's gift. No more painnnnnnnnn. Good night world & super excited to see Bevan tomorrow!! YEEEEEE :DDD I can't contain my excitement :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Summer List

This was the list of things to do I posted back in May:

Things to do this summer:

1. Get a haircut
2. Finish Shining Inheritance
3. Go kayaking
4. Star neckalce
5. Bracelet with my name & another design
6. Decorate/bake cupcakes
7. Experiment around
8. Permit before summer school/summer?
9. Camping?
10. LA?
11. Find myself
I can't go camping >.> So I still have to do 5. As of now, I'm done with 2. The last one, I'm getting there. I really wanna go kayaking before school starts, make more bracelets, decorate/bake cupcakes, and get my permit. So much to do >.> I feel unaccomplished haha. I did nothing this summer. How sad. Compared to past summers, this has been one of the least interesting ones yet. I'm really hoping for LA cause theres a chance I'm not going. The thing I was looking forward to the most. I guess I'll see how things go. Can't believe Mary's party is this week already. I don't care if it's Saturday xD Well time to go make more stuff and finish her gift. I'm almost done! I'll put up a picture when I'm done :D Hope everyone's having a great weekend! :]]]]]

So sleepy.

I wonder why you weren't on cause I kinda wanted to talk to you >.< And when I needed some people on, no one was on! What's up with that haha. Good night world :]

Thursday, July 7, 2011


It's nice when someone stays up super late just to talk to you because you keep talking to them. I feel bad for doing that that one time >.< Then they wait until you get off before they leave. Thoughtful people. Glad to have a friend who would keep me company around 1:00 AM xD

Good night world :]


I wish the best to the family who's father died at the baseball game.

That's so sad. Devastating. Innocent people don't deserve to go. They really don't.

Who are you?

In Music 4 today, our teacher asked some random people in the class that question. He ended up choosing me >.> I didn't mind actually because I thought I had a good response. The guy behind me kept complaining his was stupid and he didn't have enough time to think about it because he was called first. It wasn't even that bad aha. Most people don't think about who they are. It's something that we know without saying. Well, some of us haha. I said, "I'm a person trying to find myself." It's so true though. People gave simple answers like "me" or "a boy." Things like that. But I thought the people who really dug deep gave great answers. I wish I had more time to think of more stuff, but it's an answer I'm sure some people would like to say. I generally know what kind of person I am, what I'm good at, what I'm not so good at. It's just obvious to me. But sometimes, I feel like I don't know what I really want. Well yet. Oh and the other day I had this interesting dream. I was at this summer school called Jose Valdez I went to a few years ago, which was where I attended elementary school. So there's these portables, and instead of them being classrooms, they were like hotels. Small on the outside and massive on the inside. It was crazy. There's like 10 new bunk beds with bathrooms and everything. We also had the same teachers as the Jose Valdez ones. It was creepy but cool cause we got to live at school and everyone was people from school. Only some of my friends were in it but there was also my friends outside of school. It was fun. Except both my knees got severly scraped, yet I don't know how that happened. I ended up not being in the same rooms as my friends, yet we were all the in the same class. Then there was this famous guy named TK, no idea who that is, but I know he's some famous asian singer on youtube? I don't remember. We also were gonna watch at the IMAX theater which was literally right across from a regular theatre but the moves weren't good and the times weren't right. I find it so odd how hecka people from my school were in it. I hardly have those dreams haha. But it was fun and interesting. I wish it could be real though. It reminds me of college though. Well it was a good dream except my knees >.> At least I remembered this one aha :]

"Ain't tryna rush into anything ain't tryna win a wedding ring I just wanna be cool."

Cool With You~Reynard Silva

Love this song :DDD It's so down to earth. There's gotta be more guys like that in this world. Not pushy, but just cool haha. Great song with a good message to people :]

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

La. Blah. Dah. Gah. Mah.

Good night world :]]]]]]]]]]]]

"You, have knocked me off my feet again."

Mean~Taylor Swift

You is not a person. You is reality. It's constantly changing like crazy, with things I don't expect. At all. So many things are running through my mind. I wish things didn't have to be the way it is. I wish people would stay in my life forever. I wish I could do everything and get it done on time. I wish I didn't have to be unhappy. But I decided I will make the most of it. I will spend time with the people I care about the most. Be able to just be free and relax and not over do anything. This is my last year with so many people, and I want to make sure it lasts. Lasts forever. I don't want to regret anything. Time to live life to the fullest, not listen to people who drive me crazy, stop being lazy, open up, and just be myself. No more worries from here on out, though I know I'll worry a lot haha. I'm taking two steps forward, into a world that I know I will survive in. It's time to be happy :]

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Why oh why?

11:11 I just want things to turn out right.

Well I don't know if that's going to happen anymore. Turns out my cousin/aunts birthday party is now on the same day as Mary's >.> Things couldn't keep on falling on the same weekend. Mannn, 2 family events and a friends event. Whyyyyyyyyy D: Things aren't turning out right. Not even close right now. Though I did get 96/100 on my last paper but still. Personal things aren't the way I wish it could turn out. I hate missing important things especially for the ones I love. This sucks a lot. Thinking about you leaving doesn't make it any better. I guess we'll see what happens. Good night world & hopefully you got no problems, just relax :]]]]]]]]]]

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!!! :DDD

I got to watch fireworks from our bonus room. I swear, if my parents let me, I would move the window screen and sit on the roof above our garage. Now that would be amazing haha. Hmmm, I should do that sometime ;D Secretly of course haha. So I got to see like 3 different shows. One was from the park, another at the golf course (with music haha), and some other place. Then watched the Macy's 4th of July Firework show. Very crazy, but amazing to watch. Don't want to go to school tomorrow >.> I liked this 4 day weekend way too much haha. Still didn't get everything I wanted to done, but yeah. I don't want to sleeeeep xD Oh well, at least we don't have anything for tomorrow. Oh man, still gotta read that article. Gahhh, I'll read it now. Good night world & hope you had a great weekend. Have a great week now haha :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

I still hear fireworks hahaha.

Sunday, July 3, 2011


I hope this lemon juice works :D Good night world & have a great weekendddd :]]]]]]]]

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Two days ago I saw my parents holding hands.

First time EVER. Hahaha. Not how a couple would hold hands, but still holding hands xD

Good day. Long laughs. Big smiles.

That sums up today haha :]

Thirteen Reasons Why.

Omggg, they're making a movie from the book. Man I can't wait! This book was hecka sad. I would recommend it to anyone. Now I'm excited for the movie :D But I bet ima cry.

Thanks Mom -__-

So my mom was cutting watermelon and I was eating it. Then some of the juice squirts into my eye and she keeps on cutting it! I'm like my eyeeee and she doesn't say anything >.> Thanks a lot mom. My right eye feels weird now. Went to Kohl's and got the shirt I wanted :DDD I been waiting months for a shirt like that, yet I didn't expect Kohl's to have one. Oh well, it was cheap and sure cute :D The sandals I liked were too small for my feet and they didn't have the tank top anymore. I should've gotten some flip flops, but I forgot. F21 next time ;D Aha. Better getting something then nothing thats for sure :]

Oh wee.

Just need the last assignment to be put in. I'm so proud xD I love guidance :]

Just cause.

I'll post things from tumblr every now and then, just cause I like the picture. Wow its already Saturday. Dang I didn't post a picture of July 1st. I feel like my mission failed >.> How sad...
Good night world :]

I just realized I put a smiley face even when I'm not happy.

Friday, July 1, 2011