Sunday, March 18, 2012


Haha so tomorrow I get to bake a cake for the first time and make icing :D I'm so excited. I hope it goes well and tastes good. Not like I'm gonna eat it or anything. Just the icing to make sure it tastes right. I have a feeling the icing is going to be much harder to do. But we all learn from experience. So hopefully the first try is right xD Finished a lot of stats hw too. Just need English and Lit on Film which I will hopefully do when I get home tomorrow. I have Monday morning too. It's Spirit Week starting on Monday so it's time to get all dressed up and what not. Tomorrow is going to be the last weekend dance practice. Kinda sad, but it's always a fun experience. Not over dancing this time xD My legs are a little sore from yesterday but it's not as bad as the other time lol. Thank goodness. I think it'll be exciting to be in the Talent Show, but I'm nervous since it's going to be in front of the whole school at the Atherton. Even more nerve wrecking than the Tillie Lewis. Well tomorrow will either be a day filled with success, failure, or both. I'm aiming for the first one though. It was a good day though. Just tired even though I got like 9 hours of sleep. I'm only getting like 8 tonight but it could be worse. Wish me luck cause I know I'll mess up on something xD Good night world & have a fantastic Sunday :]]]]]]]]]]]]]

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