Thursday, March 22, 2012

It's late.

Woah they changed the format on the posting part lol. Another row has been added. Anyways it was another good day. This week is flying by quickly. I got weird looks at the store today cause I was in my nerd attire. I bet the guy bagging the groceries was like what the heck cause I could tell from his facial expressions xD I was too lazy to fix my jeans so I left it haha. Oh well. No one said anything at least. So I was looking up more ideas for prom and well it kinda excited me to hopefully one day have a beautiful wedding like the pictures. Maybe not exactly like the pictures, but to see one so extravagant would be cool. I wonder what it's like to plan a wedding. I'm sure it's a lot of stress, but they come out so nice. It's amazing to me. Oh lights and color lol. They distract me. So yeah I got quite a bit to do these next few weeks. Maybe it'll die down after spring break, but until then, I'm a busy bee. I realized that I'm kind of distancing away from my friends and it sucks. I mean it's my fault for being busy, but they're also busy too so it's like it never works out sometimes. It bothers me that we don't have time to talk, but what's worse is that they are my really close friends. Two of them are my best friends. It sucks and I'm trying to balance everything, but it's been so difficult lately. I am a little stressed after Tuesdays class since I was rushing everything. I just have way too much on my mind. Anyways I should really sleep cause I won't be waking up tomorrow xD I already know it. Maybe I can sleep this stress away like usual. But I just hope I have more time to talk to my friends. These last two months mean so much more than they'll ever know. Not having them around is one of the hardest things especially with everything that has happened and everything that is going on lately. I need them right now. This entire time I'm thinking about the song lyrics "Tonight we are young." Good night world & have a terrific Thursday :]]]]]]]]]

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