Sunday, March 4, 2012

Oh so tired, oh so tired.

Yeah it's time to sleep. I should start sleeping earlier from now. I know I keep on saying that but I'm just so sleepy all the time now >.< I finished the stats test and literature on film homework. All I need to do is english, government, scholarships, and next weeks stats homework and I'll be set. For now anyways. At least Wedneday we have no school. It's gonna throw off my entire week, watch. Get to go shopping Tuesday and Thursday for supplies and gifts. This is gonna be fun :D I can finally spend time with the girls and not have to worry about school. It seems like it's been forever. Can't wait :D And I'm most likely taking the Wilton Decorating Class so I'm even more excited. I really hope I'm not the only person who's gonna register for the class >.> That would suck cause apparently it happened to someone else. Hopefully it won't be over $100 for the class and supplies. We'll have to see. But ahhh, I can't wait. Still need to learn Gee cause I get confused when I try it. Good night world :]]]]]]]]]]]]]

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