Saturday, March 24, 2012


It was a very good day haha. Practice was pretty ehh at first, but things turned out alright in the end. Everything was great. From the cheers to the banners to all the different performances, I loved it. It felt really rushed, but it was still a great talent show. "We Are Young" remixed by the sophomores to the seniors really touched me. I was so happy and moved by it, especially since it's one of my favorite songs. It's sweet how they did that for us though. I really did love it. I finally heard Oksana sing. So disappointed I couldn't watch >.> I've been waiting for this for 3 years and the time it finally happens I can't watch it. But it was filmed by several people, which in a way, makes up for not seeing it at all. Our performance was way better than I expected. Watching it come all together was great. Timing and positions were pretty much spot on and everyone knew what they were doing. It was so much fun, but went by so fast. Meeting of the Minds was definitely entertaining with lots to learn and see. Food was good too even though I only got a tamale. Then my toe dislocates right before I step into the car and well that was a painful car ride home. It wouldn't locate back and it when I move it a certain way it hurts like ----. No joke when I say that. I can take bruises and scars, but feeling one bone in your body pull like that is so painful and makes it hard to move at all. It's like you're paralyzed with pain. That's like the perfect description of what I went through. My mom laughed too which made me laugh cause it hurt that bad. I felt like a crazy person and she basically thinks its my fault for it happening. Everything is always my fault. I don't know why it happens to me D: I wish I knew why so it wouldn't happen but it seems to come up randomly. So it's been 2 1/2 hours since I uploaded the video that's only like 5 minutes LOL. Whyyyyyyy D: Youtube needs to make it's uploading process much faster. I have 9 more videos after this and I'm not staying up and waiting for them to all upload. At least I have tomorrow. I realized that yesterday during free period, Kevin was singing songs haha. I never heard him sing songs from the radio before. Well until yesterday xD But out of all the songs, the first one he sung several times was a Taylor Swift song. I was just like :O YEEEE hahaha. I didn't say that, but I was definitely thinking it. He also sang a whole bunch of Kelly Clarkson songs, but Taylor Swift's You Belong With Me just made my day haha. Oh Kevin can be so funny. Omg Angelica told me people were sleeping on the floor in Locke this morning. I'm just like what the heck haha. My dream+that=wackkk. I mean it wasn't exactly the same thing, but still it's freaky how similar they were. Then my mom made me fill out this form and she yells at me for not knowing all these terms. She then asks me what I've been learning in high school if I can't even fill out these forms. I got so ticked off I almost started crying. I hate how she expects me to know every single little thing when I don't. And when I don't, she blames me for never being smart enough. Well I'm sorry I'm never good enough, but we don't learn about all this financial stuff in school. I'm always a disappointment no matter what I do. Whether it be success or failure, nothing is ever good enough for them. Nothing. Anyways I'm gonna read a little bit before I sleep. Going to visit a few special people I never physically met in real life. Tomorrow's visit is going to a special place in my heart. Good night world & have a great weekend :]

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