Friday, March 23, 2012

Really now?

Okay I've been realizing this more and more this week. So here's the dilemma. What if you finally notice someone a way you never noticed them before? Like they've always been there, but you haven't thought of it as anything more, until now. I think it's just a phase, but it's odd. I never thought I would even possibly think about it and now it's just like woah. My feelings haven't changed, but the thought of it is just so different. I think I'm just missing them but this is just so hard to explain lol. I guess this is what distance does to people. It makes them think crazy things. I even felt like I made a mistake about the whole ____ thing and I feel bad. It's like I chose the wrong thing and I'll face the consequences. But something told me otherwise when I decided. This is just too confusing -__- So I heard from the weekend thing and there's no wait list. I wasn't bummed out because I kind of expected not going after the registration got full. But hopefully the tour will be fun and insightful. Making cupcakes this weekend and I got all the things I need. Can't wait for that whipped cream icing :D Yumm. Nervous for the talent show tomorrow. It's been sooo long since I've been in front of an audience so we'll see how this goes >.< Hoping for the best haha. We really need a solid practice tomorrow. So yeah, look what thinking does to me. I get these thoughts that I wouldn't expect to ever have and I don't know. I'm just so lost and confused with my feelings right now. I keep second guessing everything. Overthinking seriously gets you no where. If anything, it makes matters worse, especially in my case. I should really sleep now. Hopefully people will start to feel better because everyone is getting sick D: and maybe I'll find an answer to my problem. Good night world & have a great Friday :]]]]]]]]]]]]]

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