Friday, March 2, 2012

Senior Bucket List (updated again)

1. Stargaze with someone or with a group of people :D
2. Say no to someone if it's a favor that I don't want to do.
3. Go to a concert.
4. Learn how to make a 3D Panda and firework origami.
5. Take 500 pictures with my camera for my Senior Album (Random number haha) I'm at 582/500.
6. Read 8 books of my choice (2/8 D:)
7. Do something really random or different.
8. Apply for 20 scholarships (something has to be academic lol) 10/20 done.
9. Buy someone a singing card :D & bake someone something
10. Make 7 bracelets on my list of bracelets I wanna make for myself (PacMan doesn't count)
11. *Pending*
12. Be with the people who make me happy and make endless memories :]
13. Match shirts with a guy.
14. Sing in the rain :D
15. Try 3 new places (restaurants or fast food) that I haven't been to.
I finished number 5 and 13 :D I can't show proof of number 5 but I have proof lol. And then 13 I didn't take a picture, but maybe if there's a next time. For number 6 I only read The Unwritten Rule and Something Like Fate. I'm currently reading Pride and Prejudice and I'm liking it so far. I must keep reading! Number 8, I went from 3 to 10 since December of last year. Woot woot, I did 7 already in 2 months. They were mostly done over the past few weeks though xD I'm planning number 9 for someone soon. Everytime it rains, I always remember 14 and then forget when I'm in the rain haha. So I've made improvements, but I still got like 9 left. I still don't know what to put for 11...

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