Wednesday, November 9, 2011


My last two posts had the same titles haha. I don't think that has happened yet. Omg, so I was sitting on the sofa with my feet on the coffee table. Next thing you know, I try to move my feet cause I was going numb from sitting too long and my toe freaking dislocates! I'm literally scrambling to try to put it back cause it was going the wrong way (it sounds worse than it actually is, well my toe going the other way). It goes back in place and I try to walk it off. Man, that was scary stuff. I felt a sharp pain throughout my leg. Omg it was just all bad. I HATE when this happens. At least they both didn't dislocate. Now that would be a terrible nightmare. Where is the cure for this if there's any D: I hate this pain that randomly appears out of no where, especially during fun school events and what not. This really sucks. Well at least I can somewhat locate it back but I'm not always going to be this lucky... I'm scared D:

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