Friday, November 4, 2011

I'm very slow >.>

Now I get why he calls me a turtle haha. So I have quite a lot to talk about from last week and this week. Last Thursday, 10.27.11 I was TAing for Mrs. Jara's class and they had a guest speaker. He was VERY chill, almost like a high school student chill xD Several funny things happened when he was presenting. He says, "Don't get too attached. I know you love (city)." Then everyone cracks up because everyone knows about the city's reputation it not has. Then David was wearing this blue shirt and he said his 8 year old has the exact same shirt. The Tokla said is that suppose to be a racist joke cause they're both African American xD He called someone beforehand and asked where they were at and they said San Josie when they meant San Jose. He asked why it was called MCHS and thought it meant Delta Middle High School or Middle High Delta xD Then he showed everyone a website where you can make an email account to ask colleges questions. There's a list of almost every college and apparently one person typed in California and selected all colleges in California to send her information. However, receipients of the message can see which other colleges she selected and there was like 100 colleges selected xD He said you shouldn't do that in case they think it's spam. Apparently she now has a library of view books and she gets new ones like everyday haha. Then someone keeps spamming his email saying he can try the new iPhone 5 which is a scam. He got like 100 emails from that person lol <-- Sinking person right Debora? Hahaha. The last thing was I think someone called him and said "Is this Elmo?" and he says "No, it's Stanley." He was a funny guy and should speak to our whole school. Funny period. Even I stopped doing homework to pay attention cause it was interesting and definitely helpful.

I'll post about spirit week, talent show, the halloween dance, and Fall Rally tomorrow or something. Really tired right now >.<

11.4.11 Delta Speech Tournament.
Today was crazy hectic for me. I was pretty calm this morning especially when Erin, Anthony, and Kevin were playing Goldfish and Thirteen in front of me. Kevin made this funny noise and shook his head everytime he got a pair. It was so random and funny. Then Anthony was like dying of laughter and Kevin “strangled” him with the scarf xD I played the last game but lost xD It was really fun doing the speeches even though I got nervous during my 3rd delivery. I really learned a lot and it was one of those days where things were better than great. I felt so satisfied afterwards. Even Joann was asking why I was so happy even though it was cause of a different reason that Mary knows why ;D This is a picture with some of the people in my class who also did the competition today. They were one of the few reasons why my day was so great. Honestly, today was one of the best days I've had in a really long time. I felt like I got a break from reality and just let loose (not literally xD) and had fun. Everyone around me was super supportive like my friends who didn't even get to be there, teachers, classmates, strangers, and the judges. I felt so motivated that I kind of forgot about how nervous I was. I wouldn't change a single thing about today cause I really did enjoy everything :]

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