Sunday, November 27, 2011


This morning I couldn't sleep at all! I woke up at like 7, 9, and 10 AM and just was like X.X Why can't I sleep?! I seriously didn't know. Made me sad cause I was so tired, but I can't sleep. I haven't really experienced anything like that. Then I had a nightmare where our class went to this field trip with like Mr. V and then we visited the ruins of some place near SF. Then people started coming out and like kids were attacking us. It was really really weird. But went to grandma's house to celebrate my grandpas birthday. Then family came over and we left with them. Hung out with Nylah and Darrian for a few hours. Playing Life was HILARIOUS! Rachel Black xDDD Oh man "insiders." I miss having those with people. So I was looking through my phone and I remembered I put song lyrics I heard at Aeropostale on Friday. Turned out it was a Plain White T's song and well of course, I loved it :D I'm so ready for the holidays, I get all giddy just thinking about it ;D But it's a really cute song. All these lovey Christmas songs. I haven't heard many just plain old Christmas songs besides the original ones. Anyways, even though I didn't finish my apps, I did get my CSU done. Just need to talk to my teacher about a few things and I'm done. Finally! But that one thing changed my entire life. Even though it seems bad, I didn't realize the good in it either. Maybe more good will come out from this. Well I sure hope more good comes out. Now that I'm done blabbing, I should sleep. It's so late now. I'm determined to finish my UC app, Lit on Film homework, some math hw, and have enough time to finish the drama (last episode!), watch Once Upon A Time, and talk to friends. Good night world & best of luck to everyone applying and whatever may be happening or going on in your life right now :]]]]]]]

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