Sunday, November 20, 2011

Preview Day.

So today I went to the UOP Preview Day with my mom and sister. It felt so different from the tour I had about 3 years ago. Something about it seemed different. Maybe it's the fact that I'm a senior. Anyways, we got there and went to register. Then, I hear someone call my name, and guess who it is? Sierra! I swear I see her everywhere which is great since who knows when will be the next time I do. She went with her mom and we went inside the center. We spent the whole day together. We got our seats and listened to the pep band, talked about who knows what, and waited for the welcome session to start. Heard some speakers and were broken off into different majors for the tours/info session. It turns out Sierra also applied under civil engineering and I was like :OOO No way! Haha. So we went to different sessions, met with professors, and I felt very comfortable. It turns out they have the 4 year bachelors program or the 5 year masters program. It's only one year more, so it's not that bad. Also, they have a co-op thing, where every student does an internship for 7 months. Also, they have study abroad which made it even more :O I was so pleased because I didn't know they had everything I wanted. It's a huge upgrade from where I go now, but I didn't feel like I was in the city. Even walking around I felt at the east coast cause it was chilly today. Afterwards, we went back to the center to have lunch. Over 2000 people went and it was packed. The food was really good. I had a burger, chips, soda, pasta, and some cookie. Then Sierra and I went to get our free t-shirts and pens and went to visit some old friends of mine. I saw Aaron for the first time since 8th grade and he's gotten even more taller (I don't see how that's possible xD) or I got shorter. He hugged me and Sierra says later on "Aaron never hugs me", all disappointed xD His voice changed, but he still seems like the same Aaron I know. He said to us, "Did you guys plan on matching?" And Sierra was wearing a pink and purple jacket and I wore a purple shirt and a pink/gray jacket xD Then our name tags were practically the same with our majors and location. I didn't even realize it till he brought it up xD I saw James a few times around campus but never got the chance to say hi. Also, I saw Amanda, but I don't think she remembers me xD On our way out, the Tiger mascot came over to us and just stood there kinda awkwardly for like 30 seconds xD I thought I knew them, but I guess not. I don't know, they kept looking at me >.< After that, we went to the financial aid presentation and I learned quite a bit from there as well. Once that was done, we all decided to leave since it was about 2:45 and there wasn't anything else we wanted to go to. We said our goodbyes, but it was a great day. I haven't seen her mom in so long, so it was a great experience, especially having someone to go through the day with. It's much more rememorable that's for sure. I had a great time, and I would love to go to another one, but I think all of them passed already. Either way, it was such a great learning experience and I'm really glad I went. Now my hands ache from folding paper D: and watched like 2 episodes of Heartstrings. Almost at the end xD I'm so ready to pass out now and I have so much work to do tomorrow. Only 3 days of school this week too :D Good night world & have a great Sunday :]

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