Sunday, November 13, 2011

I hope you're okay.

I just started a new drama called Heartstrings. I just realized the dad in the hospital is similar to the situation my grandfather is in. He's also an alcoholic. I don't know how much he drinks or what exactly happened besides that he's sick and he almost left us, but I just hope things are alright. A few weeks ago with what happened to my cousins grandpa was bad enough. I don't need things to be like this right now. No one needs this. Stay strong please ♥

Is it just me or do you ever feel like doing nothing? I don't know how to explain it, but I just don't feel like talking to anyone, yet I'm online doing nothing. I'm not sad, but I don't know. Maybe I'm just tired right now. Tired of thinking about the future and whatever may come. I'm scared at the same time. People are telling me it's okay for me to change my major, but what if I don't want to be going down the wrong path in the first place. I'll have all these "what ifs" in my mind for a month or two until I find out what I really want to do. But I'm hoping this is it, cause it's been my dream for the past 3 and a half years. Seems like a waste to just let it all go now. Of course, I want to find the perfect job for me. The problem is, what is that perfect job? Then applications are due soon and I'm here not thinking about them. I'm just so blah right now, I kind of want a free weekend. To basically do nothing. I need to do some homework tomorrow, well all of it, cause I forgot I had homework >.< At least it's not too much hopefully. But either way, I just want to find my place in this world. I want to find all my talents, what I'm capable of, and so much more. Yet, I don't know where to begin. Decisions, decisions. I guess I'll wait and see as always. I just need to sleep right now. I'm really tired. Good night world & who said life was easy because it's not. Have a great Sunday everyone!!! :]]]

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