Saturday, November 12, 2011

On a lighter note...

Well I'm like weeeeeeks behind so here's my spirit week/talent show/dance/fall rally post xD I'm so late.

Spirit Week days were:
Monday-Fashion Disaster
Tuesday-Sports or College Day
Wednesday-Multiplicity Day
Thursday-Streetlight Day
Friday-Class Color Day

So on Friday was the Talent Show and the Halloween Dance. But before that, I'm going to start off with our board meeting. Tony, Ali, and Kenia were messing around and stuff, and Tony was like I'll talk to your mom about something. I forgot what. Then Kenia gives him her cell phone and he actually calls her mom. We were all like :O what the heck haha. I mean who does that? xD And then her mom picks up wondering why a guy is calling her. It was so random. And then Kenia's mom calls her back and she tells me to answer the phone saying she wasn't there. Man, it was just too funny. So the talent show was really fun. Mostly singing acts, but Victoria's yoga act was crazyyyy. I was like danggg along with everyone else. Looks kinda painful xD Juniors ended up winning, which kinda bummed us out, but could've been worse. At the dance, I ended up dressing like a hobo :D Yes, I went through with my idea hahaha. It was funny cause everyone was like wow haha. Who would've guessed right? And what's funnier is that people asked ME for money to borrow xD Oh yes, the irony. And when Ali was doing his shift for the food, he pretended to give me the money we had for culture club. Then Teresa and someone else was like "Are you suppose to be a hobo?" It was fun though. It wasn't as great as previous dances probably cause the music was ehh or I was just like whatever, but everyone had some kind of shift to do so it was hard to really have fun together like before. Still a great dance though :D

Fall Rally North. I was so excited to meet up with readribbon (this girl I follow on tumblr who follows me back) but we never ended up meeting. Sadness :( But it was still a crazy experience. Even though we didn't win the spirit stick, I still had hecka fun. I only went on like two rides, but it was better than nothing! The swings are like so much fun. I was like wheee hahaha. No lie xD I also went on this boat one with Angelica and man I was scared hahaha. And it wasn't even the one that goes upside down. It just rocks side to side. What made me feel even more like a kid was that there was this little boy who sat in the middle and his face the whole time was like -.- And I'm like :OOO scared for my life haha. More irony xD He looked like he was 12 or something too! In line for food, I Just Wanna Run~The Downtown Fiction played and I was like YEEE :DD Hahaha. Then Kevin was raging in line cause Tonight Tonight~Hot Chelle Rae played. Took forever waiting in line cause it changed to one line. After we all got tired of going on rides, we headed over to get some free drinks. Waiting in line, we played 10 and 5 fingers xD 5 cause we didn't want to do 10. And when Oksana came out with that last one, we were all like OMG :OO Haha, especially Valerie. Then we all went to go sit on a bench cause we were all really tired. Then after awhile, I offer Valerie my water, but she kept declining. Not like I was going to drink it anyways. I only got it in case someone else wanted it xD And it turns out a stranger walking by asked us "How do you feel?" I think he was only looking at me o.o but I said tired haha. After all the waiting and walking, I didn't feel like cheering at all. I think he was eyeing my water the whole time cause he asked me for some and I was gonna let him have it, but he waterfalled from it and gave it back to me xD Yeah, that was really random. Then after going to the stores with Debora, I bought a snowglobe and a dolphin. It was really soft xD But after I got a soda, there were two teenage boys and one of them asked me "How you doing?" and "I'm like fine..." all wtheck in my head xD The same boy was like dang and the left. I think they meant "How do you feel?" That was weird and random that's for sure. But overall, I had a great day with my friends. I wish we had more time to just enjoy it all or even watch a show together, but it was a fun day. Too bad that was the last FRN, but I won't forget it.

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