Tuesday, November 29, 2011

You know,

I really enjoy reading other people's blogs or posts. It makes me forget about everything going on in my life, and think about someone else's. Their thoughts, ideas, dreams, family, friends, and so much more. I might not even talk to them, but I learn so much about them through their blog. I wish more people had blogs because you can write about everything and anything. Well I do, but I'm sure other people won't be afraid to write about their day or their emotions either. It's like a moment of relief from whatever you're going through because even if you aren't willing to tell someone your story, random people may read your blog and think "wow this person seems wonderful" or something else. I really like blogs, but I enjoy learning about other people through them :]

It's done.

College apps for over and done with. I still have to work on EOP, but now I'm not as tense or worried. It's like this wave of relief washed over me. Oh yes, I'm content right now. Well off to sleep now. Gotta do some homework tomorrow and fold some paper. Good night world & good luck with your applications :]]]]]]]

Monday, November 28, 2011


It's time I start over again. I need a new beginning, a fresh start, a new mind set. Yeah, hopefully things go better this time.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


You think you can walk back into my life this easily? You think I can accept you after all that I went through? Well think again because I'm not going to get hurt again. You act like we're best friends still and well, we aren't. As much as it hurts to say it, this is reality. I won't forget the pain I went through those past months. I thought it was MY fault the whole time, and it wasn't. You are the one who let me down. Ahh, people keep asking me questions about applications. I don't see how I am a reliable source >.< Oh well, time to sleep, but at least I have coffee for tomorrow if I remember. Hopefully I don't do my speech yet. Just want to relax. Good night world :]

"Cause I'll be listening here To everything you say I won't turn away."

I just listened to it and I love it :D


This morning I couldn't sleep at all! I woke up at like 7, 9, and 10 AM and just was like X.X Why can't I sleep?! I seriously didn't know. Made me sad cause I was so tired, but I can't sleep. I haven't really experienced anything like that. Then I had a nightmare where our class went to this field trip with like Mr. V and then we visited the ruins of some place near SF. Then people started coming out and like kids were attacking us. It was really really weird. But went to grandma's house to celebrate my grandpas birthday. Then family came over and we left with them. Hung out with Nylah and Darrian for a few hours. Playing Life was HILARIOUS! Rachel Black xDDD Oh man "insiders." I miss having those with people. So I was looking through my phone and I remembered I put song lyrics I heard at Aeropostale on Friday. Turned out it was a Plain White T's song and well of course, I loved it :D I'm so ready for the holidays, I get all giddy just thinking about it ;D But it's a really cute song. All these lovey Christmas songs. I haven't heard many just plain old Christmas songs besides the original ones. Anyways, even though I didn't finish my apps, I did get my CSU done. Just need to talk to my teacher about a few things and I'm done. Finally! But that one thing changed my entire life. Even though it seems bad, I didn't realize the good in it either. Maybe more good will come out from this. Well I sure hope more good comes out. Now that I'm done blabbing, I should sleep. It's so late now. I'm determined to finish my UC app, Lit on Film homework, some math hw, and have enough time to finish the drama (last episode!), watch Once Upon A Time, and talk to friends. Good night world & best of luck to everyone applying and whatever may be happening or going on in your life right now :]]]]]]]

Saturday, November 26, 2011


I just can't stand people who complain about everything. I seriously just want to shut them up cause it annoys me SO much. You honestly have no idea. I really can't stand it at all. Go to a hospital and tell me how you feel afterwards. Take a walk to the homeless shelter. Visit the worst part of town. Now tell me what you have to complain about. Yeah, I thought so. Think before you speak.

Friday, November 25, 2011

I can only hope now.

I realize how it feels to hurt so bad. I'm lost for words too. Why does it have to be so painful?

So confused.

I just don't know anymore. I'd never thought this day would come for my family.

Black Friday Part 2 xD

Woke up at "7:00" this morning, no I didn't haha. I slept in for a while xD Anyways, we went to both malls, Kohls, Ross, and Target. I didn't get anything at the mall, but my mom and sister did. Then I got all my shopping done at the other stores. I always get more than I expect xD I mean who doesn't? It's Black Friday haha. So I got a jacket, paper, highlighters for my grandpa, 2 pairs of long socks, 4 scarves (1 is a gift for Jade), my dress for formal, a blanket, New Moon, PJ pants, and Mary & Oksana's gift. I have no idea what to get everyone else. I couldn't find a scarf for Kevin >.> I'm really happy (of course) with the stuff I got xD I even got the other scarf for $2.80 cause the guy at Kohl's was super nice. I only wanted clothes and gifts for friends, but I got a lot more. But I'm really happy now cause I have everything I need ^__^ Thank you mom and dad :D Really, it means so much to me. Time to watch the drama xD Now I gotta think of stuff to get everyone else. That will not be easy.


My first Black Friday experience this early on a Thursday in my life. We went to Walmart, saw the wack line, and left. It was CRAZY. People parked across the street to walk over, traffic was forming, and the people waiting in line was just crazy. I was like :OOO dang did everyone in town come? Seriously, that’s what it looked like. Then we went past both Targets. The one close to home was just badddd. Like almost Walmart bad. I thought I saw Mrs. Giannone and Gabe xD I was pretty shocked haha. Anyways, it was a fun experience, but gonna go early tomorrow morning. Hopefully I find gifts, and if not, well I got my plans xD Good night world & have a great friday :]

I forgot to post this yesterday xD

Thursday, November 24, 2011

If it's worth the risk, then it's worth the fall.

I guess I forgot.

Well I thought I blogged on here, but I guess I didn't. I woke up really happy this morning, yet I don't really know why. Maybe it's the holidays. I don't know, but I'm happy I get to spend it with my family. If I do leave for college, I know things won't be the same, but I hope that I can always come back to visit. Anyways, I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving! Today is not just a day for food, but a day to be thankful for everything you have. After hearing the story from yesterday, I'm even more grateful for my family and friends. Without you guys, who knows where I would be. I try to show my appreciation as much as possible, and hopefully people realize that. Anyways, spend the day with those you love. I'ma go watch the drama now. Have a great day everyone and be careful for Black Friday tomorrow!! ^__^

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Loving this drama. I can't wait to see her end up with the brother. EEEPP. I'm so excited hahaha. Good night world & have a happy Thanksgiving :]]]]]

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I just finished my paper. Took me FOREVER. No lie. I'm seriously too slow when it comes to homework. I think I helped like 5 or 6 people on this too xD Well don't I feel accomplished lol. Good night world & good luck to everyone with their papers :]]]]]]]

Excited for

  • Thanksgiving
  • Black Friday
  • Show at Delta/Dinner
  • Winter Formal/Dinner
  • Making/buying gifts
  • Potlucks
  • Jobshadowing
  • :D

Monday, November 21, 2011


I'm nervous for my speech tomorrow D: I was suppose to practice, but I'm SO DANG SLOW!! Yeah, I wish I wasn't. Anyways, I hope I don't get called on in English. That would be scary >.< Wish me luck and good luck to everyone else speaking. Good night world & have a great Tuesdayyyyy :]]]]]]]]]]]


So I forgot my password for CSUMentor and I did the thing where you put your username and email so it can send you your information. Well I filled that out like 5 times around 3:30 and nothing came. So I go home and try again and it still doesn’t work. I called the support telephone line and I’m put on hold and no one picks up. Then, I checked my email and a month ago, there’s an email from them D:< I can log on now but I hated waiting and not getting anything! I was like rageeeee to the max >.<

Sunday, November 20, 2011

"Wish you have a good rest"

Why do you tell me your wishes? Even though I think you just say them for fun lol. I'm sure you wish for yourself, not me. You do this every time too >.< Anyways, I'm done with my speech like 2 hours after starting it xD I think today was pretty productive. I had a day for myself and I didn't stress myself out. Mission accomplished. Just 10 more days. Unsure where to apply to right now. I'm so confused. Can't believe in 12 days is another day. Man time is flying by! Good night world & have a great week :]]]]]]]


-ghost http://friendship-bracelets.net/pattern.php?id=26167
-mustache http://friendship-bracelets.net/pattern.php?id=41250
-horseshoe http://friendship-bracelets.net/pattern.php?id=47613

I need to start making these again >.<

Preview Day.

So today I went to the UOP Preview Day with my mom and sister. It felt so different from the tour I had about 3 years ago. Something about it seemed different. Maybe it's the fact that I'm a senior. Anyways, we got there and went to register. Then, I hear someone call my name, and guess who it is? Sierra! I swear I see her everywhere which is great since who knows when will be the next time I do. She went with her mom and we went inside the center. We spent the whole day together. We got our seats and listened to the pep band, talked about who knows what, and waited for the welcome session to start. Heard some speakers and were broken off into different majors for the tours/info session. It turns out Sierra also applied under civil engineering and I was like :OOO No way! Haha. So we went to different sessions, met with professors, and I felt very comfortable. It turns out they have the 4 year bachelors program or the 5 year masters program. It's only one year more, so it's not that bad. Also, they have a co-op thing, where every student does an internship for 7 months. Also, they have study abroad which made it even more :O I was so pleased because I didn't know they had everything I wanted. It's a huge upgrade from where I go now, but I didn't feel like I was in the city. Even walking around I felt at the east coast cause it was chilly today. Afterwards, we went back to the center to have lunch. Over 2000 people went and it was packed. The food was really good. I had a burger, chips, soda, pasta, and some cookie. Then Sierra and I went to get our free t-shirts and pens and went to visit some old friends of mine. I saw Aaron for the first time since 8th grade and he's gotten even more taller (I don't see how that's possible xD) or I got shorter. He hugged me and Sierra says later on "Aaron never hugs me", all disappointed xD His voice changed, but he still seems like the same Aaron I know. He said to us, "Did you guys plan on matching?" And Sierra was wearing a pink and purple jacket and I wore a purple shirt and a pink/gray jacket xD Then our name tags were practically the same with our majors and location. I didn't even realize it till he brought it up xD I saw James a few times around campus but never got the chance to say hi. Also, I saw Amanda, but I don't think she remembers me xD On our way out, the Tiger mascot came over to us and just stood there kinda awkwardly for like 30 seconds xD I thought I knew them, but I guess not. I don't know, they kept looking at me >.< After that, we went to the financial aid presentation and I learned quite a bit from there as well. Once that was done, we all decided to leave since it was about 2:45 and there wasn't anything else we wanted to go to. We said our goodbyes, but it was a great day. I haven't seen her mom in so long, so it was a great experience, especially having someone to go through the day with. It's much more rememorable that's for sure. I had a great time, and I would love to go to another one, but I think all of them passed already. Either way, it was such a great learning experience and I'm really glad I went. Now my hands ache from folding paper D: and watched like 2 episodes of Heartstrings. Almost at the end xD I'm so ready to pass out now and I have so much work to do tomorrow. Only 3 days of school this week too :D Good night world & have a great Sunday :]

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I stopped because I knew someone else makes you happier. And that someone isn't me...


Friday, November 18, 2011

After a stressful week...

Well it's been a while since I really got to blog. Been so busy these last few days. I finally posted a song after so long. It's a good and catchy one. I think I failed my Etech test cause I did bad. I didn't know 3/5 problems so I guessed D: I'm nervous to get it back. It has probably been my worse test so far. Then for Econ, I was stressing the worse to get everything prepared and ready cause I REALLY wanted us to do well and not mess up. It turned out fun. I rapped LOL. It wasn't good, but I had fun doing so xD That's for sure. The presentations went pretty well in my opinion. Then Culture Cuisine got pretty crazy. I was scrambling around everywhere for like an hour and 10 minutes. Then I finally got to just sit down and eat with my friends. Wandered around in Locke with Debora for a while, watched very good performances, had delicious food, and spent it with the people I love being around. Apparently Anthony asked Helen to the winter formal. All the guys, and even other people made a big deal out of it. It was funny to see how excited and happy everyone was though. I didn't get to take pictures, but it's okay. Hopefully other people did. It was a really fun day even though I was kinda scattered everywhere, but things went beyond well. I had a blast and couldn't have asked for a better day :D


I didn't realize that it's been days since I posted. This has to be quick since it's 12:55AM >.< Anyways, I'm so stressed over everything. The McNair Choir Concert was really good. Went with Mary and we got Chipotle first. Got to see Paulina and Eric, but I also met new people like Oscar, Cathy, and other people. I saw Elaine and she thought I was Brandy >.< But I loved the experience. Econ presentation is like D: right now, English speech I'm nervous for, and Culture Cuisine is like not as bad, but still bad. I think I kinda took the leadership role for Econ cause we all seemed somewhat scattered so I just kinda led the way? I didn't mean to but it helps to an extent. Anyways, I should sleep now. Webcamming with Valerie and Mary was funnnnnnnn :D Good night world & pray for everyone in my class good luck cause I think we all need some :]

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Haha fail.

I accidentally drew gaps on the bridge and you can see the mountain which makes it hecka obvious >.> Free period was fun. Besides going to UOP and getting nervous, Gabe made it funny cause he was getting a drink ans the water was really loud. Then Kenneth grabbed a magazine in Spanish and pretended to read it xD That was funny. My shoes were super loud too >.< Then we played this Werewolf game that was hilarious. I got killed twice. It's funny how people think its you, but you're innocent. We failed except for that last game. Went to the library with Kevin and the librarian didn't charge me, so I don't have a bad record anymore xD Lucky me. Never had an overdue book :D And then after Avid, I had to go to UOP again to turn in my updated transcript. Debora gave me a ride and we went to M & W Bakery afterwards. Their treats were so tempting. My Oreo cupcake was okay. Could've been better. Getting a cannoli (spelling?) next time :D Whenever that may be since Debora wants to go for a celebration of some sort xD But it was fun listening to random music, getting asked a random question by Jay and Tony, having Jay write weird stuff in my planner >.>, playing Werewolf was sad but hilarious, watching a remake of California Girls in Avid (VERY SAD xD), listening to old music & watching Glee and New Girl with James, having interesting talks with Angelica, Mary, and Valerie, and so much more. It was a crazy, but entertaining day that's for sure. So nervous. Now I gotta wait, but I'll forget soon enough xD

We all want to be happy.

Don't we? I wonder what would happen if I stopped blogging... Good night world :]

Sunday, November 13, 2011

I have great friends.

They always know how to cheer me up :D Especially today, Greedy and Rabbit's Foot hahaha ;D Oh man, my friends are the world to me. Good night world & have a great week :]]]]]]]


I hate how even though you get over someone, you still care about them. Even the smallest things still get to you, yet you don't know why. This is why I don't want to like anyone anymore D:

I hope you're okay.

I just started a new drama called Heartstrings. I just realized the dad in the hospital is similar to the situation my grandfather is in. He's also an alcoholic. I don't know how much he drinks or what exactly happened besides that he's sick and he almost left us, but I just hope things are alright. A few weeks ago with what happened to my cousins grandpa was bad enough. I don't need things to be like this right now. No one needs this. Stay strong please ♥

Is it just me or do you ever feel like doing nothing? I don't know how to explain it, but I just don't feel like talking to anyone, yet I'm online doing nothing. I'm not sad, but I don't know. Maybe I'm just tired right now. Tired of thinking about the future and whatever may come. I'm scared at the same time. People are telling me it's okay for me to change my major, but what if I don't want to be going down the wrong path in the first place. I'll have all these "what ifs" in my mind for a month or two until I find out what I really want to do. But I'm hoping this is it, cause it's been my dream for the past 3 and a half years. Seems like a waste to just let it all go now. Of course, I want to find the perfect job for me. The problem is, what is that perfect job? Then applications are due soon and I'm here not thinking about them. I'm just so blah right now, I kind of want a free weekend. To basically do nothing. I need to do some homework tomorrow, well all of it, cause I forgot I had homework >.< At least it's not too much hopefully. But either way, I just want to find my place in this world. I want to find all my talents, what I'm capable of, and so much more. Yet, I don't know where to begin. Decisions, decisions. I guess I'll wait and see as always. I just need to sleep right now. I'm really tired. Good night world & who said life was easy because it's not. Have a great Sunday everyone!!! :]]]

Saturday, November 12, 2011

On a lighter note...

Well I'm like weeeeeeks behind so here's my spirit week/talent show/dance/fall rally post xD I'm so late.

Spirit Week days were:
Monday-Fashion Disaster
Tuesday-Sports or College Day
Wednesday-Multiplicity Day
Thursday-Streetlight Day
Friday-Class Color Day

So on Friday was the Talent Show and the Halloween Dance. But before that, I'm going to start off with our board meeting. Tony, Ali, and Kenia were messing around and stuff, and Tony was like I'll talk to your mom about something. I forgot what. Then Kenia gives him her cell phone and he actually calls her mom. We were all like :O what the heck haha. I mean who does that? xD And then her mom picks up wondering why a guy is calling her. It was so random. And then Kenia's mom calls her back and she tells me to answer the phone saying she wasn't there. Man, it was just too funny. So the talent show was really fun. Mostly singing acts, but Victoria's yoga act was crazyyyy. I was like danggg along with everyone else. Looks kinda painful xD Juniors ended up winning, which kinda bummed us out, but could've been worse. At the dance, I ended up dressing like a hobo :D Yes, I went through with my idea hahaha. It was funny cause everyone was like wow haha. Who would've guessed right? And what's funnier is that people asked ME for money to borrow xD Oh yes, the irony. And when Ali was doing his shift for the food, he pretended to give me the money we had for culture club. Then Teresa and someone else was like "Are you suppose to be a hobo?" It was fun though. It wasn't as great as previous dances probably cause the music was ehh or I was just like whatever, but everyone had some kind of shift to do so it was hard to really have fun together like before. Still a great dance though :D

Fall Rally North. I was so excited to meet up with readribbon (this girl I follow on tumblr who follows me back) but we never ended up meeting. Sadness :( But it was still a crazy experience. Even though we didn't win the spirit stick, I still had hecka fun. I only went on like two rides, but it was better than nothing! The swings are like so much fun. I was like wheee hahaha. No lie xD I also went on this boat one with Angelica and man I was scared hahaha. And it wasn't even the one that goes upside down. It just rocks side to side. What made me feel even more like a kid was that there was this little boy who sat in the middle and his face the whole time was like -.- And I'm like :OOO scared for my life haha. More irony xD He looked like he was 12 or something too! In line for food, I Just Wanna Run~The Downtown Fiction played and I was like YEEE :DD Hahaha. Then Kevin was raging in line cause Tonight Tonight~Hot Chelle Rae played. Took forever waiting in line cause it changed to one line. After we all got tired of going on rides, we headed over to get some free drinks. Waiting in line, we played 10 and 5 fingers xD 5 cause we didn't want to do 10. And when Oksana came out with that last one, we were all like OMG :OO Haha, especially Valerie. Then we all went to go sit on a bench cause we were all really tired. Then after awhile, I offer Valerie my water, but she kept declining. Not like I was going to drink it anyways. I only got it in case someone else wanted it xD And it turns out a stranger walking by asked us "How do you feel?" I think he was only looking at me o.o but I said tired haha. After all the waiting and walking, I didn't feel like cheering at all. I think he was eyeing my water the whole time cause he asked me for some and I was gonna let him have it, but he waterfalled from it and gave it back to me xD Yeah, that was really random. Then after going to the stores with Debora, I bought a snowglobe and a dolphin. It was really soft xD But after I got a soda, there were two teenage boys and one of them asked me "How you doing?" and "I'm like fine..." all wtheck in my head xD The same boy was like dang and the left. I think they meant "How do you feel?" That was weird and random that's for sure. But overall, I had a great day with my friends. I wish we had more time to just enjoy it all or even watch a show together, but it was a fun day. Too bad that was the last FRN, but I won't forget it.

Just when things couldn't get worse...

Besides the fact that my toe dislocated the other day or that I have plantar fasciitis, things just keep going bad. Since yesterday, I thought it was nothing, but it seems to be more than nothing. My shoulder blade keeps having this really bad pain, kind of felt like my toe dislocating except this won't go away. It's happened before, but only once or twice. Now it's happening way too often and it's only my right shoulder blade. I looked up treatment and stuff, but there's not much I can do about it. Why do I have so many problems?!?!? D:< And then yesterday I went to Target and my freaking pictures were about $40 and it was too late to change it to the one hour development thingy. And when I got home, I find out I bought the wrong kind of paper! Stupid cardstock paper that I'll probably never use. Now I have to go get the regular printer paper one. Why couldn't there just be ONE kind instead of two. Yesterday was not my day at all. I'm like raging in this post -____- But man, the pain on my back hurts more than anything even when I do the smallest things. Why me D:

Friday, November 11, 2011

11.11.11 :D

11:11 I made my "most epic wish ever" today haha. Not gonna say it for once just to make it special, but it might be obvious what I wished for xD

December 16th has to come faster. I’m so excited to give gifts, especially one in particular, even though I haven’t ordered it yet xD I’m already in the Christmas spirit. Oh man, last Christmas with everyone. It’s pretty sad, but I’m going to have a blast. I can’t wait! Good night world :]]]]]]]]]]]]

Veterans Day.

I just want to thank all the soldiers and veterans for fighting for our country. You guys have no idea how grateful I really am. Thank you for your service.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


My last two posts had the same titles haha. I don't think that has happened yet. Omg, so I was sitting on the sofa with my feet on the coffee table. Next thing you know, I try to move my feet cause I was going numb from sitting too long and my toe freaking dislocates! I'm literally scrambling to try to put it back cause it was going the wrong way (it sounds worse than it actually is, well my toe going the other way). It goes back in place and I try to walk it off. Man, that was scary stuff. I felt a sharp pain throughout my leg. Omg it was just all bad. I HATE when this happens. At least they both didn't dislocate. Now that would be a terrible nightmare. Where is the cure for this if there's any D: I hate this pain that randomly appears out of no where, especially during fun school events and what not. This really sucks. Well at least I can somewhat locate it back but I'm not always going to be this lucky... I'm scared D:


I hate it when you want to talk to someone, they aren’t on. But when you don’t need to talk to them, they are on. Whyyy DDD:

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I'm done for the day. During free period I felt so >.> Then I thought I was sick at the end of TA and during AVID. I really hope I'm not sick cause thats the last thing anyone wants to be right now, hopefully. Some people like being sick and I don't see why. Anyways, gotta sleep since I have to be up early. Hopefully the homework load dies down after this cause teachers tend to assign a lot of work at the same time and it sucks. Glee and New Girl was super funny though xD I think I look forward to those messages now everytime I log on >.< I'm going to pass out soon and at this rate I'll get less than 7 hours of sleep. Yeah, exactly what I need. I'm going to pass out tomorrow in Mr. K's class, I already know. I just need to sleep cause I feel like I'm awake, but my brains asleep. That's not good >.< Good night world & have a great Wednesday :]

Monday, November 7, 2011

That random person.

This doesn't happen often for me, but there's sometimes a person out of no where who tends to make my day. Whether it be something small or big, they find a way to do so. Thank you to a person I follow on Tumblr. That really did make my night. Actually going to my ask box to tell me "You are pretty freaking awesome. Just saying ;3" We all need some kind of unexpected good thing to happen to our lives, and well this is just that. Good night world & be thankful for those who are in your life. They are all quite amazing :]]]]]]]]]]

Saturday, November 5, 2011

So tired...

I'm so sleepy x.x Done for the day. Have a great Sunday and it's going to rain tomorrow :D Good night world :]]]]]]]

I Loveeeee...

Someone take me to Marie Callender’s to buy a chocolate cream pie and I’ll love you forever. I seriously loveeeee this pie! I should eat there sometime xD Anyways, point is, best pie that's out there! Especially when it's only half price lol :]

Friday, November 4, 2011

In all honesty,

I'm glad I'm over him. When we talk, it isn't awkward or different for me and I feel like myself. Even if I'm a little tense, I feel happy talking to you. My mind doesn't go blank as much now. I don't know, I feel like getting over him was a good thing. I feel more open with him and now I'm just like lalala haha. Something different happened, which I can't quite point my finger at, but I feel it inside of me. Things changed for the better and I maybe things were meant to be this way. Maybe something great will happen later on or maybe nothing will happen. It doesn't really matter cause in the end, as long as we're still talking, that's all I really care about. Having a friend to laugh with me or even at me xD through the crazy times or try to make me happy after crying my eyes out. That is all I could truly ask for :]

I'm sleepy now. Should get some rest for tomorrow. Good night world :]]]]]

I'm very slow >.>

Now I get why he calls me a turtle haha. So I have quite a lot to talk about from last week and this week. Last Thursday, 10.27.11 I was TAing for Mrs. Jara's class and they had a guest speaker. He was VERY chill, almost like a high school student chill xD Several funny things happened when he was presenting. He says, "Don't get too attached. I know you love (city)." Then everyone cracks up because everyone knows about the city's reputation it not has. Then David was wearing this blue shirt and he said his 8 year old has the exact same shirt. The Tokla said is that suppose to be a racist joke cause they're both African American xD He called someone beforehand and asked where they were at and they said San Josie when they meant San Jose. He asked why it was called MCHS and thought it meant Delta Middle High School or Middle High Delta xD Then he showed everyone a website where you can make an email account to ask colleges questions. There's a list of almost every college and apparently one person typed in California and selected all colleges in California to send her information. However, receipients of the message can see which other colleges she selected and there was like 100 colleges selected xD He said you shouldn't do that in case they think it's spam. Apparently she now has a library of view books and she gets new ones like everyday haha. Then someone keeps spamming his email saying he can try the new iPhone 5 which is a scam. He got like 100 emails from that person lol <-- Sinking person right Debora? Hahaha. The last thing was I think someone called him and said "Is this Elmo?" and he says "No, it's Stanley." He was a funny guy and should speak to our whole school. Funny period. Even I stopped doing homework to pay attention cause it was interesting and definitely helpful.

I'll post about spirit week, talent show, the halloween dance, and Fall Rally tomorrow or something. Really tired right now >.<

11.4.11 Delta Speech Tournament.
Today was crazy hectic for me. I was pretty calm this morning especially when Erin, Anthony, and Kevin were playing Goldfish and Thirteen in front of me. Kevin made this funny noise and shook his head everytime he got a pair. It was so random and funny. Then Anthony was like dying of laughter and Kevin “strangled” him with the scarf xD I played the last game but lost xD It was really fun doing the speeches even though I got nervous during my 3rd delivery. I really learned a lot and it was one of those days where things were better than great. I felt so satisfied afterwards. Even Joann was asking why I was so happy even though it was cause of a different reason that Mary knows why ;D This is a picture with some of the people in my class who also did the competition today. They were one of the few reasons why my day was so great. Honestly, today was one of the best days I've had in a really long time. I felt like I got a break from reality and just let loose (not literally xD) and had fun. Everyone around me was super supportive like my friends who didn't even get to be there, teachers, classmates, strangers, and the judges. I felt so motivated that I kind of forgot about how nervous I was. I wouldn't change a single thing about today cause I really did enjoy everything :]

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Too tired.

I've been so out of it this week and it's such a mood killer for me. Man, I'm just so blah. Everything will be alright on Saturday at 12:00 PM. Anyways, I need some sleep. Well a lot >.< Good night world & have a great week :]

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I'm done for the night.

Good night world & have a great Wednesdayyy :]]]]]]]]]]]]


So this morning someone told me something very interesting. I'm still laughing to myself about it that anyone would even think that I like him. Don't get me wrong, he's cool and all, but not my type. I just wonder why people think that though. Just watched Glee and New Girl. OMG it's SO much more funnier when you're watching it with someone else. Seriously, it's WAY funnier. I can't believe what happened, but both episodes were really good. New Girl talked about umm well yeah and Glee is awesome as always. They have Roy now :D He sings really good & he's a leprechaun xD Can't wait till Samuel gets on the show. I watch Glee almost every week with James, but it's funnier when you can laugh with someone. My sister doesn't like it and I don't think any of my other friends that watch it are ever online >.> The three weeks were worth the wait even though I was D: bored like crazy on Tuesdays. Now I get a good laugh :D Well, good stuff, good stuff. And yes, I am over him guys, well girls haha. OMG this song is really good Waiting for a Girl Like You~Glee! Ahh I really like it :D Yeah super excited for next week now. Time to work on this speech! :]]]]]]]]]