Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tears will fall.

Today was a good day, but had it's rough spots as well. Debora told me her aunt passed away. It was heartbreaking. It's hard to find the right words to say after something like that happens. It's good to know she's in a better place now, but she was a great person, as Debora said. I'm sorry for her loss, and I tried my best to comfort her. I'm sure she was a wonderful woman. R.I.P. I almost cried too. Debora got all teary eyed and soon enough, I was teary as well. I just want to say that crying doesn't make you seem weak. It actually makes you stronger. If you're willing to show any emotion, you shouldn't be ashamed. It will happen to everyone sooner or later. Don't hide your emotions. Let them out. It's the best way to cope with what happens. Crying is just as natural as smiling, but less often. Exactly what I said earlier. When it comes to things like that, it always happens to me. Even when Dobby died in Harry Potter I cried! I'm not even kidding. Also, I finished the first story in True Love by Lurlene McDaniel. They MUST make a movie from the book. It's soooooooo gooood! I cried while reading it too >.> It's very heart touching. Their love overcame many things. I recommend it to anyone who likes a love story. I don't want to spoil the ending, so I won't say anything. But it really did move me to tears. I say you should read it! I'm about to watch Strangers, again by WongFuProductions. Everyone's saying it will make you cry. & I'm ready for the tears.

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