Sunday, April 10, 2011


Oh yeahhhh, I made that flower :3 So prettayyyy :D Anyways, I have my plan for graduation gifts! Woot woot. It's gonna be SO much easier/faster than making bracelets haha. I can't wait! So I tried the origami roses and literally failed. You really don't want to see the one I made haha. It's okay. Hopefully she likes this flower better :D It's so cool though hahaha. Cheaper and more convienent. Less time to spend as well. It's gonna be up to her in the end. Today I went to the Cherry Blossom Festival! Oh, how ironic. Picture of a cherry blossom right there ;D What a coinkydink ;D Idk how I should spell that but it makes sense in person xD Dude, the festival was so cool! Though I wish I had more time to actually watch the festival. If only the parade was today and not tomorrow. It's all good. I still got a taste of the Japanese culture, which is all I really wanted. Man, the train ride was very exciting. Wish we could have more to do though. Sat next to Debora and she got the window seat D:< But it was her first time and I could still see the view so I was okay after I realized it wasn't even that bad! Hahaha. But I got window seat on the bus ;D I saw the most amazing bridges too. Omg, today was like my day, except how I almost lost my phone again >.> Yeah, I'll talk about that later haha. The bus ride was more sightseeing and the walk that felt like 1 hour was probably like 30 minutes. I don't know. my feet were in so much pain that I didn't want to pay attention. And I was looking for slug bugs ;D But, we finally got there! Man, the first thing I did was look for Paper Tree! It was much better than I had imagined it to be :3 <-- that face doesn't look too happy. ^__^ There we go! Hahaha. Anyways, I just HAD to go in :D I was too excited haha. I ended up getting origami paper, origami star paper, and a free eraser that looked like a pineapple ;D I gave it to my sister. We got to browse around at the malls after that. I ended up getting a picture with Hello Kitty. Lunch took wayyyyyyyy too long. Service wasn't the best, but the food was pretty good. Especially the Miso Soup. That was so tasty for me ^__^ It was very filling :D After all the wandering and getting lost for like 5 minutes -____-, we went to Westfield Mall. The bus ride there was crazy! I'm not even kidding. First, Param's phone got ran over by the bus before ours. That was just sad watching it get run over and not being able to do anything. At least it sorta works. Man the mall is HUGE. But not as big as LA's ;D Still it was massive. Very overwhelming. I wish I actually had time to shop! I probably would've gotten a lot more. I got sunglasses from Forever 21 :D I really like them. Cause they have some pink and they're the comfy ones too. I tried some on at Icing with Debora before but they were like $14 I think. Still, I got them and my mom didn't complain, too much :D Win-win. Woot woot haha. We wandered the 3 story Forever 21, 7 layered mall with kabillion stores, and I had some Haagen Dazs. That place costs a WHOLE LOT! Freaking more than my sunglasses! I think. It's equal. Next time, I'm so not getting that. I should've gotten the necklace or something ;D But anyways, hmm, I should get the one at Tilly's if they have it still. I really like it ^__^ Moving on, I wish I remembered that stand outside the mall selling bracelets. Dang, I couldn't find one for my sister. If only I remembered D: There were hecka people just everywhere! Many guys ;D There was this one guy that just kept staring, and I mean kept staring forever, and I'm just thinking "LOOK AWAY ALREADY!!!" Aha. It was kinda awkward. I think I got too many stares. Even from the elderly >.< One guy looked like my cousins cousin! I was afraid to say something in case it wasn't him, but they looked alike. Ahhh, this day was crazy! Man, I wish we had more field trips like this. That would be awesome. I say next year we all go but spend the weekend there so we can all hang out and shop without rushing. A good day out of town. I'd really enjoy that. Today was amazing. I mean that. Even playing card games was hilarious. Debora kept on losing and wanting to hurt Gabe, and me and Anthony were just watching and winning ;D Haha. I just think Debora wasn't paying attention aha. I thought I was last to hit the cards like twice when we played Nervous, but I guess not. Oh well haha. I didn't lose badly :D Well, it's 1:10 and I woke up at 7:30, so I'ma pass out asap haha. Good morning world & have a great Sunday! Now I gotta start finishing homework and start preparing for 2 tests and an essay. Oh the excitement *sarcasm* ;D Hasta La Vista :]]]]]]]]]]]

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