Friday, June 24, 2011


That dress is super cute :DDD Gotta love some tumblr posts aha. I need to do some shopping sometime soon xD I finished ALL my homework, except for studying for a quiz... but I can do that Sunday :D I'm done with my essay, music 4, and guidance homework. Woot woot :D I'm happy. Tomorrow I get a new phone and hopefully some folding star paper. Yeeeeee. Lalalalala, I couldn't be more happy. I'm like just YES right now. Except for the part I hit my foot against a tape dispenser and now my foot feels really weird. I hope it doesn't start bleeding or something. The only bad thing about today is that I realized who you are. Who you really are. I'm really disappointed. Not only in you, but myself. For trusting someone like you. I can't believe you of all people would let me down. My best friend. I don't want things to end like this, so I don't know. I've been so confused about us lately. I don't know where we stand anymore. I guess I'll have to wait and see. But for now, I'm forgetting. Forgetting it all. Moving on and looking forward to a new future for myself. I feel like I'm ready for life, sort of. I just want to be out there traveling the world, meeting new people, seeing new places. I want to get out of this town, and find myself. Learn new things that I love or will learn to love. I feel like I need to get out more. Can't wait until I'm done with college and ready to start a life for myself. That's when I'll get to travel the world, hopefully I have money, or at least have a job for a few years and then get out more. I'm looking forward to the future. Even with the ups and downs, I can make the future what I want. Not someone else. The only thing I can think about is, from the people I know now, how many will still keep in touch with me 10 years from now? The number will definitely go down, but I want to see how many people I really got close with. I guess I'll see in a long time, which will fly by most likely. It's gonna be interesting reading this blog in a few years. It's not even a year old yet, and I've learned and wrote so much. I hope I keep on blogging. Telling my experiences to the people who care and actually read this. My lifelong journey on this site. One thing I must remind myself is to never stop blogging. Expression is everything. And being able to write it all down and think back later in the future and see how silly I was or the great/bad times I had, is something I wouldn't want to pass up.  I'm excited. This is going to a long roller coaster of my life, and I'm ready for the craziness it'll bring me. Good night world & have a great weekend (well today is the weekend too but I just count Saturday and Sunday xD) because I'm super excited for mines :]]]]]]]]

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