Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I think my final for Calculus went well. I hope. We'll see on Friday. Went to Chipotle for TA period and got a quesadilla. Just adding lettuce will be the same cost of a burrito?!?! Wackkkkk haha. A few people told me they liked me bow :D I was like thanksss haha. I love it too ;D Sadly, when 3 people told me, I wasn't even paying attention to them >.> I felt so bad. At least I heard them after xD So today was the play Zara at my school. It's basically the Indian version of Mulan. I have to say, it was very entertaining. Let's just say someone had a very interesting outfit xDDD It was really good though. Also musical as well. My ice cream during intermission was super good cause it was melting so it was easy to eat ;D I'm weird haha. Other highlights: Bren getting the last ice cream (he was overly happy about that), James dropping his phone (at least I saw it haha), poking Gabe's head (because of Mary), looking at the "bug" in Anthony's hair (I think it was a bug), Dalia pointing at Kenneth's white hair (or his whole head as Mary said xD), Mary laughing when I snorted (I didn't plan on that happening haha), Dalia laughing like crazy (no one knows why haha), and I mean nonstop crazy which led me to laugh as well, Param who didn't know why Dalia was laughing, and Aman who should've been an extra in the play hahaha. It was super interesting that's for sure. And I thought I was going to be alone xD When we left, my mom came up as everyone was leaving. The whole "mob" left together, and Kenneth was like "Your sister looks just like you" and I'm like "Noooo" in a sarcastic voice. Then after I get into the car, Mary said "Oh lets all wave" and everyone waved haha. Not awkward at all xD After that, I see James all alone standing there and he looks so serious haha. So I just smile and he smiles back. On the way home, I drop my phone on the floor (again), left it in my moms car (and again -__-), and I think I stepped in a poo stain. Yeah, don't ask about that last part. You really don't want to know haha. But yeah, overall, it was a very good day. Cold and rainy, but the sun ended up shining for the rest of the day. Only two more days left. The sadness... 

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