Wednesday, May 11, 2011

No one needs to know, but you.

I've only told a few people about this blog just because. It's not that I don't trust my friends, but maybe I'm not willing to open up everything. Maybe I don't want everyone to know. Maybe I'm not ready to face what they want to hear. Maybe I don't wanna hear it? Whatever it may be, this is like a journal. Something I write everything and anything in. Sometimes, we all keep something we don't want anyone else to know. Blogs are meant to express whatever you feel. I just want mines to be more private. I don't want my friends to take this the wrong way or anything, but I want more space for myself. I need space to breathe, well blog in this case. But still, blogging has showed me so much I didn't know before. Things about other people, and things about myself. I thank everyone who reads my blog. I know there's quite a few people (though I don't know who you are, just which country your from) and it really means a lot to me that you take the time to read this. Even if it's just one post a week or something. The fact that you even come here just means so much to me. Thank you. You don't know how much I appreciate it. Though I really wonder if you have a blog. If you come to read mines, then there's a chance you have one too right? Well all I can do is wonder. But I am forever grateful that strangers, people I may never even meet in my life, take time out of their own life, just to read about mines. That is something most people will never do. It makes me feel good that someone knows what I go though and hopefully wishes me the best. Whoever you are that reads this, thankyouthankyouthankyou. If there was a way I could repay you, I would do my best to do so, even if it's just reading your blog =] It seems like my old life is back. I talk to my friends who I somewhat stopped talking to, and it's a great feeling to know I have my friendships back. There were a few pauses, but it's great to know who your real friends are. Even when there are misunderstandings. Good night world & have a lovely day tomorrow :]

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