Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Surprise suprise.

11:11 I wish for a good day tomorrow. That is all.

"I'm not saying say I love you becuase I don't."
It's harsh but it's the truth. I don't know. It randomly came to my mind xD Odd right? Aha. I ran into Robert today. I was like o.O Who are you and why are you talking to me? Hahaha. Cause I was coming out of the girl's locker room and I was saying hi to the freshmen and as I leave Budd, some guy says, "You go to delta?" And no one responds, so I look up and it was him. I was like :O Why is a stranger talking to me in my head xD Turns out, after I looked at him some more (no I wasnt staring xD), it turns out it was him. I never expected to see him again. He was with a friend of his I'm guessing. He's gotten a lot taller. I remember I use to be taller than him xD Yeah, we just talked about (he did most of the talking) school, why I go to delta, how smart I was and how he use to get answers from me. It was random. He said something like "Oh I knew you would get into a school like this. You would let me copy your papers." And his friend says something like, "Maybe if you copied more, then you would be at a school like this." I was laughing but I was really like o.O again. We didn't talk much before but it was nice to be complimented and see him again. He hasn't changed much. Just taller. Idk if he was taller than me or not haha. But it's good to see people you know. I was gonna ask him what school he goes to but he kept on talking xD Then he ran into this girl he knows and yeah I should've said bye or something, and I feel bad for just walking away >.< I'm just surprised he still remembers me after so long. It brings back the time Sierra said your prince charming Robert and im like -________- and she's like :D with Aaron. Man I haven't see Aaron for the longest. Or Maryann. I wanna see people now. At least our bowling day is coming up! I can't wait. Another thing I didn't expect was you asking me whether or not I found out if he likes me >.> Honestly, I think you know something I don't and won't tell me D:< Meanie. It doesn't matter. You still don't believe me, but I moved on. Liking someone for 2 years and neither of us made a move, shows something isn't going right. I can't do anything in the first place so that's one strike. I'm sure his mom wouldn't be too happy, but she's very nice :D Hey, things happen, but you get over them. Well, most people. I still hope you find someone, even if you don't believe in love. I wish you the best. Things are getting better, or so it seems. Good night world & have a totallyradicalcrazyawesomefergalicious(lmao) Thursday :]]]]]]]]]]]]]

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