Sunday, May 22, 2011

That one.

In life, there's that one person. The person who listens to everything and anything. The person who knows exactly what to say. The person who's always there for you. The person who knows you inside and out. There's always that one person in your life. The worst thing is when you don't even realize who that person is. The one that always cares for you and never lets you down. You may not know it, but someone has been there all along. You just have to open your eyes and see who that person is. This special person is like no other person you've ever met. They make you laugh, cry, smile, everything. They know who you are. They took the time to figure you out. They are someone that's not worth losing or forgetting. They changed your life and you may not even know it. They are one of those people that you can't live without.

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