Friday, May 13, 2011

Crazy Day.

Election Day was crazyyyy. Campaigning everywhere. I'm just glad it's done with and over. I'm trying not to put myself down, yet I'm also trying not to think I did so good that I won. I just hope people realized how much I want this. This means SO MUCH to me. Man, we all want this so bad, but only one person gets the job. One person wins. The rest loses. I just pray that I will win. And if I didn't, well, I hope the BEST candidate won. Not someone who over campaigns or wants to buy your vote. Monday is just around the corner. I'm sooooo nervous. I don't think I'll be able to stop thinking about this. I'm scared. I'm not even gonna lie. I just hope people realize that I'm truthful and I keep it real. Enough election talk, I was SO SAD that blogspot went down yesterday. I kept checking so that I could reblog, but it was down for hecka long. At least I can blog now. I made like 80 cranes and I'm proud of it. I made hecka today so I can hang up in my room :]]]]]]]]] I should really work on my essay. It's due tomorrow and I have about a day left. Half of it I'm not even gonna be doing it, so tonight, I hope to get 3 pages done. Aja Aja Fighting!!! Lmao :D Please wish me the best. & thanks for all those who supported me. I didn't expect it either. It means so much to me. Just so much. I'll write as soon as I can :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

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