Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What a day.

I must let this out...

YEEEEEEE! I can't believe I won Culture Club Treasurer. This morning in calculus, we were talking about positions and everyones like oh you should run. Aileen was running for secretary or treasurer, and my friends were saying that I should run since she's in like everything already. Anyways, she should be happy with what she has, and I'm super happy overall. I also went to Hot Topic and got Oksana's gift. And I got myself stuff at Forever21. EEEEEEPPPPP :D Finally got the headband and the necklace is super cute :] Man, I was squealing like crazy. I can't get over this. I hope this was meant to be. I'm ready to get the position done. I just want to thank all my friends who pushed me to run. If it wasn't for them, then there was no way I could've ran. Man, I just love my life right now :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

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