Sunday, May 29, 2011


Today was crazy. Had the WORST nightmare in the world. It had to do with someone very close to me. Goodness every time I think about it I basically get sick to my stomach because I could NEVER believe that something like that would EVER come to mind. I think I'm traumatized from it. I'm not even kidding. I woke up scared to death and tried to go back to sleep but images kept coming to mind of what happened. Its been so long since I had one too. Right now, I'm too scared to sleep in case something like that happens again. I wish that nothing had happens but it did. All I want to do is cry because that nightmare was THAT horrible. Words can barely explain how I feel. I want to forget and I hope I do. People out there, I hope nothing like that has happened to you before. I really do. I don't want to talk about this anymore. Let's just say I thought I saw a guy from my past. Wasn't him but he stared a lot. Now talking to someone who will hopefully make things better. Good night world and sorry for typos. I can't fix them...

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