Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Shining Inheritance

This drama was just too cute :D I was watching the last episode. She finally tells him she loves him and them kissing is how the drama ended. It was so good and addicting. I plan on watching another one this summer. I can't get over it, so I took screenshots of it aha. Good night world :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Monday, May 30, 2011

Toh toh toh xD

Such a long weekend. Today, we watched tv, played Just Dance 2, golf, and baseball, had In-N-Out, cup of noodles, and ice cream :D Overall, I had a great day, but mainly, a great weekend. I needed one after this long school year. Wow, my cousins got it going on. 7 people asked her to the school dance. And one was a girl hahahaha. That was hilarious and freaky xD Well I must finish this last episode. Good night world & have a great week :]]]]]]]]]]]

P.S. Big girls you are beautiful (song from Just Dance 2 :D)

Just Dance

Went to see my other cousins. We ate Red Robin, played Wii bowling and Just Dance 2, and golf. Then we went to the park and played. Came back to play more Wii and ate hot dogs. Watched Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I gotta say Just Dance 2 is a huge workout. My arm is so sore right now. Well not much left to talk about. Happy Memorial Day and good night world :]

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Today was crazy. Had the WORST nightmare in the world. It had to do with someone very close to me. Goodness every time I think about it I basically get sick to my stomach because I could NEVER believe that something like that would EVER come to mind. I think I'm traumatized from it. I'm not even kidding. I woke up scared to death and tried to go back to sleep but images kept coming to mind of what happened. Its been so long since I had one too. Right now, I'm too scared to sleep in case something like that happens again. I wish that nothing had happens but it did. All I want to do is cry because that nightmare was THAT horrible. Words can barely explain how I feel. I want to forget and I hope I do. People out there, I hope nothing like that has happened to you before. I really do. I don't want to talk about this anymore. Let's just say I thought I saw a guy from my past. Wasn't him but he stared a lot. Now talking to someone who will hopefully make things better. Good night world and sorry for typos. I can't fix them...

Saturday, May 28, 2011


My quick post about today. Yeah right. Watch it be like this HUGE paragraph haha. Today was the last day of school if you already didn't know. I honestly don't remember what I post about haha. I got my Anthro Final done. I got a B in that class and Calc as well :D So working harder next year. Went to History, watched movies. Avid, left, came back, left, came back sorta thing. Went to locker to take my lock, bookstore for my sisters bday gift, and Tutti Fruitti for yogurt :D I always get so little haha. Mines was like $1.39? Something like that haha. Afterwards was the assembly for the seniors. It was nice to see all the photos and stuff. Seeing all those changes haha. After the assembly, that was it. No more school. Well until summer school anyways haha. I got my invite to Mary's Party. It's so pretty. Hecka pink and green lol. We went to Nena's Mexican Restaurant and there was some good food. We made little videos and took hecka pictures. Learned a line in spanish :D I still remember haha. I think xD After we walked outside and took pictures. Walked the whole dock. Since there were 5 of us, one person was always out of the picture because we needed someone to take it. Then this guy and his wife (I'm assuming) says he'll take the pictures for us. They were very nice. Apparently they go to Delta. Gave us advice on having fun, no boys, and go to Delta LOL. We all cracked up hecka when they said that. They were probably like "theres gotta be something we dont get here." hahaha. Such nice people are so hard to find nowadays. After we just kept walking, talking, then the air started to smell. We look at the water and theres this plant with hecka garbage in it. Then I see a dead fish. That thing was massive haha. We just walked a little further and walked back. Then we walked inside and went in the elevator and more walking haha. After we finally left, we went to the mall and then Tutti Fruitti. I didnt get anything this time. Way too full from the food haha. Then went to graduation. SO sad seeing everyone graduating. Thats going to be me next year >.> Time sure flies by. But it was great to see everyone together one last time. Except Kelly hecka left early haha. I rushed to finish my final and I did it before 11:59. I think it was like 11:48 LOL. Better than nothing :D I'm glad its over yet its all so bittersweet. I'm growing up so fast. Then, on AIM just chatting away as always.

****** (1:19:54 AM): goo to sleeeep
Amy:] (1:20:06 AM): you know I was just about to
Amy:] (1:20:11 AM): I feel like im passing out
Amy:] (1:20:15 AM): you care too much hahaha
Amy:] (1:20:17 AM): good night :]
****** (1:20:21 AM): LOL!
Amy:] (1:20:22 AM): get some sleep too haha
****** (1:20:28 AM): i always care breh
****** (1:20:29 AM): always
****** (1:20:32 AM): goodnight!

I didn't expect that. It made me smile though :D Get to see family tomorrow. EEEEPPPP :D It's gonna be gossip day. I already know. But I can't wait. No more school stress. Just relaxing now. Good night world & have a fantastic weekend :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Random fact.

Guys who wear buttoned up collared shirts.


Friday, May 27, 2011

I'll never forget...

Today was Graduation for the class of 2011. It was bittersweet seeing everyone go. All the seniors I spent countless times with. They made me laugh and smile so much. I hope they all come back to visit again. I've gotten really close to a few and it means so much to me because I didn't expect it at all. I met some of the greatest people that I'll possibly ever meet in life. I wish them all the best of luck in the future and to have a great time wherever they go and whatever they choose to do in life. It was sad for me because that's going to be me next year. I don't want this year to fly by like I know it will. I just wanna make everyday memorable, but it's quite hard when some days are way better than others. I have an essay to finish, but I'll blog about my last day as a junior later. Hope I finish on time for once! Aha. Wish me luck! :]

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Loner ;D

We've been talking more and more like we use to. I miss those days. At least we're talking more now. And spamming >.> Haha. I always get a good laugh. Good night worlddddd :]]]]]]]]]]]

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


I think my final for Calculus went well. I hope. We'll see on Friday. Went to Chipotle for TA period and got a quesadilla. Just adding lettuce will be the same cost of a burrito?!?! Wackkkkk haha. A few people told me they liked me bow :D I was like thanksss haha. I love it too ;D Sadly, when 3 people told me, I wasn't even paying attention to them >.> I felt so bad. At least I heard them after xD So today was the play Zara at my school. It's basically the Indian version of Mulan. I have to say, it was very entertaining. Let's just say someone had a very interesting outfit xDDD It was really good though. Also musical as well. My ice cream during intermission was super good cause it was melting so it was easy to eat ;D I'm weird haha. Other highlights: Bren getting the last ice cream (he was overly happy about that), James dropping his phone (at least I saw it haha), poking Gabe's head (because of Mary), looking at the "bug" in Anthony's hair (I think it was a bug), Dalia pointing at Kenneth's white hair (or his whole head as Mary said xD), Mary laughing when I snorted (I didn't plan on that happening haha), Dalia laughing like crazy (no one knows why haha), and I mean nonstop crazy which led me to laugh as well, Param who didn't know why Dalia was laughing, and Aman who should've been an extra in the play hahaha. It was super interesting that's for sure. And I thought I was going to be alone xD When we left, my mom came up as everyone was leaving. The whole "mob" left together, and Kenneth was like "Your sister looks just like you" and I'm like "Noooo" in a sarcastic voice. Then after I get into the car, Mary said "Oh lets all wave" and everyone waved haha. Not awkward at all xD After that, I see James all alone standing there and he looks so serious haha. So I just smile and he smiles back. On the way home, I drop my phone on the floor (again), left it in my moms car (and again -__-), and I think I stepped in a poo stain. Yeah, don't ask about that last part. You really don't want to know haha. But yeah, overall, it was a very good day. Cold and rainy, but the sun ended up shining for the rest of the day. Only two more days left. The sadness... 

I guess.

Ever feel like someone is hiding something from you? Whether it's big or small, there's a reason as to why they bring up something or tell you about it, yet they don't want to tell you why. Why do people hide things from one another? Why can't they just be open about it. Cause honestly, when people really know why, its kinda weird haha. I'm still wondering why you told me there. Still funny coincidences though. But if that person knows the real reason, isn't it such a waste? Just tell the truth. Don't hide and try to get yourself out of it. Because eventually, you get caught. And it is isn't pretty from there. I don't even know why I care. Oh who knows? Good night world :]

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Good night world.

Have a great week :]


I can't believe what you told me. I really don't know her at all. The more I hear, the worst it gets. I always thought you were my friend, but I guess competition brings out the worst in people, and in your case, who you really are. How could you even say something like that with me just 3 desks away from you? That is messed up. SO messed up. You were very dramatic about it if you ask me.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Random fact.

I like eating original potato chips with ketchup.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

That one.

In life, there's that one person. The person who listens to everything and anything. The person who knows exactly what to say. The person who's always there for you. The person who knows you inside and out. There's always that one person in your life. The worst thing is when you don't even realize who that person is. The one that always cares for you and never lets you down. You may not know it, but someone has been there all along. You just have to open your eyes and see who that person is. This special person is like no other person you've ever met. They make you laugh, cry, smile, everything. They know who you are. They took the time to figure you out. They are someone that's not worth losing or forgetting. They changed your life and you may not even know it. They are one of those people that you can't live without.


After watching videos, I'm super tired. And I got like no sleep this week. Only about 6 hours each night. Maybe a few more hours during other days. I just did 10 SAT question of the days because I missed that many. I never had time to answer them so I did them all right now. Funny coincidences with you today about ma'am, Cal Poly (didn't expect that one), and the whole cousin thing haha. Surprise surprise? lol. Also, today was Oksana's birthday party with her dad and godmother, and I had hecka fun. Watching videos, helping set up, being first to get their, AMAZING food haha, getting soaked, SO MANY laughs and smiles, fun and good times, but most of all, memories I never I want to forget. Thanks for inviting me too. I really needed a day like today, even after the final I know I did bad on >.> I'm going to sleep now. Good night world & I'm HECKA looking forward to this summer :]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Saturday, May 21, 2011

This summer.

Things to do this summer:

1. Get a haircut
2. Finish Shining Inheritance
3. Go kayaking
4. Star neckalce
5. Bracelet with my name & another design
6. Decorate/bake cupcakes
7. Experiment around
8. Permit before summer school/summer?
9. Camping?
10. LA?

and most importantly...

11. Find myself

Sounds like a plan :D I will hopefully remember all this and get through 6 :]

Friday, May 20, 2011


Today not much new happened. Except I will fail my final tomorrow no thanks to my sister >.> I was doing well until she came into my room. Anyways, today felt like before. When we would talk on and on about anything. I miss those days over the hardly talking at all because there's nothing to talk about days. Well, I will enjoy the moments while I still have it. Good night world & wish me luck :]]]]]]]]]]]]

Good day.

Filming was funnnnnn. It's nice having people over ;D Anyways, I got to hitchhike for once in my life. This one guy driving a car stared forever and even slowed his car down. Then he just drove off. His son or daughter was also staring. Oh society haha. And Debora almost got hit by her own car xD That was kinda scary. I couldn't stop laughing ALL DAY whenever we filmed. I'm so looking forward to our trailer ;D Like so much haha. I learned a lot about people today. Who I can trust, and who I can't. I never thought you were like that. I always thought you were better, but I guess I'm wrong. You lucky, get to walk around at night under the stars D:< I wish my parents would let me do that, but I can barely go to the mailbox. Sigh, I need more freedom. Oh well. I gotta live with what I got. Anyways, it's great to know that I have friends who have my back. It's really great. Oh and I was suppose to help Gabe's group with their project and I asked Kenneth, "Hey, where's Gay?" And he's like "Where's Gay?" while laughing haha. It's cause I was thinking of Gabe and Jay since they're in the same group xD Everyone calls him gay so that's probably another reason why. I said in front of the whole class too xD I hope people weren't paying attention though xD I'm sure you guys got a good laugh at that though. Good night world :]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What a day.

I must let this out...

YEEEEEEE! I can't believe I won Culture Club Treasurer. This morning in calculus, we were talking about positions and everyones like oh you should run. Aileen was running for secretary or treasurer, and my friends were saying that I should run since she's in like everything already. Anyways, she should be happy with what she has, and I'm super happy overall. I also went to Hot Topic and got Oksana's gift. And I got myself stuff at Forever21. EEEEEEPPPPP :D Finally got the headband and the necklace is super cute :] Man, I was squealing like crazy. I can't get over this. I hope this was meant to be. I'm ready to get the position done. I just want to thank all my friends who pushed me to run. If it wasn't for them, then there was no way I could've ran. Man, I just love my life right now :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kinda sad.

Well, today was Key Club elections and I ran for historian. I wanna say congrats to Jenny for winning and all the other candidates. Honestly, I'm more sad for losing the key club elections than student government. Well, I did my best. Wish I could've done more, but there's really not much left. It's okay though, I'll still work harder than ever for everything I want. It's the way to succeed in life. Things happen for a reason, and I'm sure I'll be given more opportunities. I just got to take a chance, like I did these past few weeks. I learn from these experiences, and it's all I could ever ask for, whether I win or lose.


Talking smack about people doesn't change the way things are. Things happen for a reason, so just grow up already.

Monday, May 16, 2011

These past few days.

The reason I haven't posted for a while is because I've been so busy. Saturday, I was too tired to even stand up and walk. Sunday, I was working on my Calculus homework. Today, I finally have time. So where to start. Let's go back to Saturday. March of Dimes/March for Babies was super fun! I got there and next thing you know, Bren was walking next to me. This is the second time we worked together. Last week at Fishing Derby we both worked at the jumpers, and this time we helped at the family station even though no one really bought anything or wrote their name down. Can't believe he didn't look at the weather before he came. That crazy guy aha. He ended up going to blow bubbles because Nikki and Bruce left, and then Param had to leave to buy stuff for Kickback, and Aby and I ended up going with her. Btw, I saw Chester the Cheetah aha. I got a picture too :] Anyways, we went to Smart Foods (I think) and got 13 packs of hot dogs. We bought all the ones left, so there was no more lol. Then we went to pick up Demaree and headed to Kickback. Once we got there, there was only like 6 people. We all left (except Demaree) to DCM and Param dropped us off. I got to see Vanisha and it was just freezing the whole day. Afterwards, we went back to the park and there was like 42 people. Kickback was hecka fun. We all hung out at the playground. Kevin was like a frog climbing the pole. He was like the only one. Gabe sprained his ankle and used me and Bren as crutches. To think it wasn't bad enough, he tripped over the volleyball net. Anthony told us that when he was younger, everyone would connect their first finger, and someone would go down the slide. Then, that person would touch on of the outer people in the line and everyone would get shocked. Ahahaha, that was hilarious! We did it like 10+ time haha. That was like the highlight of the day. Even Mr. V did it to us. His hurt the most xD Mrs. G gave us the weirdest look ever aha. Then later Angelica got there and we went to the levee. Nice houses ;D I played capture the flag cause they needed more people to play. James didn't know how to put on the belt with the flags so I taught him lol. We still lost though -__- Oh well aha. I also played volleyball for like half an hour and I got the ball once! And when I got it, I hit it and it went to the right, out of the court lol. After, Kevin and I went to the table where I left my stuff so I can play the games. Hannan went to Angelica and Valerie who were filming, and me and Kevin played Word with Friends (something like that lol). I got a 33 point word, but he was winning by like 100 D:< That cheater lol. Even in Scrabble! Then after Dalia, Valerie, Angelica, Aby and I went shopping (more like looking) at Kohl's, Ross, Joann's, and Jamba Juice. That was a super fun day! It was a great way to end te year. Sunday, I watched Shining Inheritance. I was on episode 16 and ended up at episode 21 :D Then, I made origami cranes while watching. I stayed up doing calc hw. I also might do a 3K run :D I'm really looking forward to that. I just need to train and all that. But the view looks amazing! I hecka wanna go. Hopefully I can though. Today, I found out that I didn't win for treasurer, but honestly, I wasn't as sad as I thought I'd be. Debora had this sad face, so I kinda knew I didn't win, but I didn't feel horrible. I still have Historian and hopefully I win that. I do congratulate everyone who did win (Debora ;D) lol. It's good to see other people happy :D That's all that matters to me. Today wasn't horrible though. Free period was funny with Kenneth, Angelica, Bacon, and Valerie. Bacon flipped Valerie's backpack inside out and Angelica took Bacons phone. I didn't even notice though lol. I was too busy playing that one game on Kenneth's phone. It was a pretty good day. Many good laughs :D Time to work on Calculus. I have a test tomorrow. Last test before the final. Wish me luck! And good job for reading this whole thing if you did cause I know I wrote heckaaaaa haha. I just wish people weren't so greedy. Nothing against her, but yeah, that's a lot to handle... Have a great week everyone!!! :]]]]]]]]]]

Saturday, May 14, 2011


So tired. Must sleep. Good night world :]]

Friday, May 13, 2011

Crazy Day.

Election Day was crazyyyy. Campaigning everywhere. I'm just glad it's done with and over. I'm trying not to put myself down, yet I'm also trying not to think I did so good that I won. I just hope people realized how much I want this. This means SO MUCH to me. Man, we all want this so bad, but only one person gets the job. One person wins. The rest loses. I just pray that I will win. And if I didn't, well, I hope the BEST candidate won. Not someone who over campaigns or wants to buy your vote. Monday is just around the corner. I'm sooooo nervous. I don't think I'll be able to stop thinking about this. I'm scared. I'm not even gonna lie. I just hope people realize that I'm truthful and I keep it real. Enough election talk, I was SO SAD that blogspot went down yesterday. I kept checking so that I could reblog, but it was down for hecka long. At least I can blog now. I made like 80 cranes and I'm proud of it. I made hecka today so I can hang up in my room :]]]]]]]]] I should really work on my essay. It's due tomorrow and I have about a day left. Half of it I'm not even gonna be doing it, so tonight, I hope to get 3 pages done. Aja Aja Fighting!!! Lmao :D Please wish me the best. & thanks for all those who supported me. I didn't expect it either. It means so much to me. Just so much. I'll write as soon as I can :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The truth is...

When I ran for Treasurer, I had no idea what to expect. I didn't think I would stress so much or things would get so crazy. I just thought our school was better than that. But for any election, that never happens aha. So far, I've been making cranes for the past few hours. I hardly got any done. I really hope people don't think I'm bribing them, but I have a feeling they think I am. At least it's not food or something. I'm going to talk to at least FIVE people even though I made 30+ cranes, so I guess I'll havta see. I'm putting so much time into this, that I really hope it pays off in the end. And if it doesn't, I'm glad that my peers are pushing me to do my best. They're motivating me and helping me when I need it the most. I'm so glad to have you guys in my life. You guys are what balance me out. That probably makes no sense haha. Anyways, I don't know what I'd do without my friends. They've been there for me in my toughest times, and I can't ever repay them. But I will. I will find a way. Whatever the outcome of the electons are, I do wish that the BEST people for the positions win, and not the people who don't care and just want votes from other people. The voters are just as important as the candidates. Everyone matters. Good night world & wish me luck! I'm sure gonna try to burst out my bubble :]]]]]]]]]]]

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

No one needs to know, but you.

I've only told a few people about this blog just because. It's not that I don't trust my friends, but maybe I'm not willing to open up everything. Maybe I don't want everyone to know. Maybe I'm not ready to face what they want to hear. Maybe I don't wanna hear it? Whatever it may be, this is like a journal. Something I write everything and anything in. Sometimes, we all keep something we don't want anyone else to know. Blogs are meant to express whatever you feel. I just want mines to be more private. I don't want my friends to take this the wrong way or anything, but I want more space for myself. I need space to breathe, well blog in this case. But still, blogging has showed me so much I didn't know before. Things about other people, and things about myself. I thank everyone who reads my blog. I know there's quite a few people (though I don't know who you are, just which country your from) and it really means a lot to me that you take the time to read this. Even if it's just one post a week or something. The fact that you even come here just means so much to me. Thank you. You don't know how much I appreciate it. Though I really wonder if you have a blog. If you come to read mines, then there's a chance you have one too right? Well all I can do is wonder. But I am forever grateful that strangers, people I may never even meet in my life, take time out of their own life, just to read about mines. That is something most people will never do. It makes me feel good that someone knows what I go though and hopefully wishes me the best. Whoever you are that reads this, thankyouthankyouthankyou. If there was a way I could repay you, I would do my best to do so, even if it's just reading your blog =] It seems like my old life is back. I talk to my friends who I somewhat stopped talking to, and it's a great feeling to know I have my friendships back. There were a few pauses, but it's great to know who your real friends are. Even when there are misunderstandings. Good night world & have a lovely day tomorrow :]

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


I attempted at curling my hair, and let's just say it didn't go too well. I burned my finger several times, though I'm slowly learning. My hair didn't curl like I wanted to at first, but like an hour later I managed to do the front at least xD Yeah, hair protectant spray is my new best friend ;D Well, I will try this again maybe a week from now. I'm just glad my hair isn't damaged cause I didn't spray it at first. Now I know how to tell if my hair is damaged or not :D But, my goal for the end of the summer is to curl my hair nicely at least once :]

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Talk isn't always cheap...

If you mean it.

Happy Mother's Day!!! :D I hope everyone got to spend time or talk to their mother. I'm so thankful for my mom and if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't even be here right now ;D She means the world to me and I don't know what I would do without her. She's everything and I will repay her someday. Don't worry Mom, I won't let you down :]

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Me want.

That dress is gorgeousssss. I would love a dress like that for prom ;D Awwwwwwwww, Mary just asked me to be one of her treasurers. EEEEPPPPP, I feel special :D Hahaha, my day has been made. Oh and Fishing Derby was very fun! At first, there were only 3 people frm our school >.> Then I helped Jenny with the cotton candy machine, Jasmine and I worked on jumpers, then Bren and I worked on jumpers. I've talked more to Bren today than the whole year! Aha. Well it's good I know some things about him lol. Hardly any kids went. I got this cute frog keychain for my sister. It makes a noise and tongue sticks out haha. Bren has a lot to say if he was more confident in himself. Hopefully, he takes some of my advice into consideration xD Well, this drama has gotten REALLY good, so I must watch! Btw, I got HECKA darker on my forehead. I wore sunglasses, and yeah my face is so uneven >.> Yay me xD Hahaha. Today was great. And to my mom and everyone else's, Happy Mother's Day!!! Good night world & have a fantastic Sunday [or whichever day it is in the country you live in] :]]]]]]]]]]]]

Today ended well.

Thank you James :]

What you may never know.

When you hear about other peoples stories, you'd be quite surprised. All the things they went through. Things you would never expect. It can get overwhelming. I'm finishing Shining Inheritance right now and it's so sad. She just told the guy that because of him, she didn't get to see her father for the last time. It's so heartbreaking. Man the mom is evil. I don't like her at all. Well gotta sleep early (this isn't early at all) cause of Fishing Derby tomorrow. Good night world & have a great weekend :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

Thursday, May 5, 2011

You're one of the greatest friends that I could ever have.

Sierra Brandt,
I love you with all my heart. I've known you for 12 years, and you've been there for me through thick and thin. Even now, we're still close. We don't go to the same high school, but seeing and spending time with you makes me so happy. Knowing that our friendship is still strong means so much to me. I want to thank you for everything that you have done for me. I'll never forget someone like you. And I hope you won't forget someone like me.
Lots of love<3, Amy :]
P.S. Happy Late Birthday!!! I forgot to post this yesterday. Dang D:
Good night world & your email just made my day SO much better! :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

My oh my.

11:11 I just wish that everything will be okay, for everyone.


I was right. I'm at my breaking point. I just broke down crying really hard. Looking back at this week, I never want this to happen again. EVER. I feel so broken. I cried 3 times cause I couldn't stop. I couldn't hold it in. I think it's good that I cried. I needed to let out my frustration. I think I'm okay, but deep down inside, I know things aren't good. I'm still looking to the better side of things. I won't give up. Not even when I'm at my worst.

This song explains everything, but I'm slowly healing...
I want to talk to you.
Thank goodness you are on.

Not the best week.

I just want a hug...

What's sad is...

No one truly knows how much you care for someone. No one feels the exact same thing you do. No one lives the same life as you. You just never know. It's such a strong feeling. So hard to hide. Sometimes, all you have to do is listen. Listen because that might be all you can do. To survive, you just have to be there for others. I just want to say, I'll always be there. Always.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Surprise suprise.

11:11 I wish for a good day tomorrow. That is all.

"I'm not saying say I love you becuase I don't."
It's harsh but it's the truth. I don't know. It randomly came to my mind xD Odd right? Aha. I ran into Robert today. I was like o.O Who are you and why are you talking to me? Hahaha. Cause I was coming out of the girl's locker room and I was saying hi to the freshmen and as I leave Budd, some guy says, "You go to delta?" And no one responds, so I look up and it was him. I was like :O Why is a stranger talking to me in my head xD Turns out, after I looked at him some more (no I wasnt staring xD), it turns out it was him. I never expected to see him again. He was with a friend of his I'm guessing. He's gotten a lot taller. I remember I use to be taller than him xD Yeah, we just talked about (he did most of the talking) school, why I go to delta, how smart I was and how he use to get answers from me. It was random. He said something like "Oh I knew you would get into a school like this. You would let me copy your papers." And his friend says something like, "Maybe if you copied more, then you would be at a school like this." I was laughing but I was really like o.O again. We didn't talk much before but it was nice to be complimented and see him again. He hasn't changed much. Just taller. Idk if he was taller than me or not haha. But it's good to see people you know. I was gonna ask him what school he goes to but he kept on talking xD Then he ran into this girl he knows and yeah I should've said bye or something, and I feel bad for just walking away >.< I'm just surprised he still remembers me after so long. It brings back the time Sierra said your prince charming Robert and im like -________- and she's like :D with Aaron. Man I haven't see Aaron for the longest. Or Maryann. I wanna see people now. At least our bowling day is coming up! I can't wait. Another thing I didn't expect was you asking me whether or not I found out if he likes me >.> Honestly, I think you know something I don't and won't tell me D:< Meanie. It doesn't matter. You still don't believe me, but I moved on. Liking someone for 2 years and neither of us made a move, shows something isn't going right. I can't do anything in the first place so that's one strike. I'm sure his mom wouldn't be too happy, but she's very nice :D Hey, things happen, but you get over them. Well, most people. I still hope you find someone, even if you don't believe in love. I wish you the best. Things are getting better, or so it seems. Good night world & have a totallyradicalcrazyawesomefergalicious(lmao) Thursday :]]]]]]]]]]]]]

This sucks.

I recalculated and it only took me 2 hours to do my essay ;D Huge mistake haha. Anyways my essay didn't save so now I'm back home printing it out. I was so mad! Man this never happened before. My mom isn't too happy either. I got a badddddd grade on my test for calc. Seems like a roller coaster of my life right now. The only thing is, there are no ups, just downs...

3 hours.

It took me that long to do my essay. I'm so sleepy. Good night world :]]

P.S. It feels like my brain is sleeping while my eyes are still open >.<

-I didn't expect you to tell me to put my hair down more often xD
-I didn't expect you to campaign for me :)
& I really didn't expect you to still listen to the song...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

11 things to do before 2011 is over.

No particular order.

1. Ride a ferris wheel :D
2. Go kayaking
3. Make 200 cranes
4. Get a different haircut
5. Experiment around
6. Take 2 pictures with a duck ^_^
7. Get something Colts related ;D
8. Ride a bike
9. Learn to make 2 new bracelet designs (not counting the relay for life ones)
10. Finish Shining Inheritance xD
11. *to be posted*


Not what I expect.

Everything seems to be going the opposite way of what I want it to. Nothing is going right. It's so hard for me right now. I'm falling apart...

Monday, May 2, 2011

I wish.

11:11 I wish to finish my homework and do well on the test tomorrow. That is all.

Good night world :]

I'm surprised.

I was on tumblr and I was looking through your friends. I ran across a friend of mines. I was shocked. I didn't even know you had a tumblr. I was like :O Must look at your blog lol. Your first post had one sentence about me. You wrote that 7 months ago, and I never knew until now. 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I wish.

11:11 I wish that I will finish my essay tomorrow. I wish that I will do well on my math test. I wish that I will do better on my quiz. I wish my life was normal again.

I wish so much to have my old life back. So, so much.

Good night world :]

May 1, 2011.

I almost forgot, but I just remembered. Hooray? Lol. Such a blank and empty post. I wish I had more to say, but I still haven't finished my essay yet. I'm so disappointed in myself.


We're all in shock right now. The United States. The whole world. I was just watching The Amazing Race and then breaking news pops up. Who would've guessed that Osama Bin Ladin would be announced dead. Everyone's shocked. I couldn't believe what I was watching/hearing. It's crazy though. No one expected it. Especially since the White House didn't say anything about it for a week. This is just crazy. Really crazy.