Friday, December 28, 2012

You never really know someone.

I was scrolling through my news feed when I came across a post from someone I knew in middle school. I talked to him every now and then with the occasional hi. We were friends I guess you could say, but we didn't really talk much. He was a nice guy, but he was picked on by other classmates. I never got to know him very well, but I knew enough by seeing him at school and talking to him every now and then. So this post was about his older sister who passed away when she was 7 months old. It broke my heart reading that post because I never knew that about him. I mean, it's not something people would bring up, but it made me realize that you will never truly know someone. There's just so much about a person that you will never know their life story. I know it's hard to know every detail about someone, but something like that really opens your eyes. It makes me sad to know he was bullied when he has gone through so much. This also makes me rethink my life and choices that I've made. Life is so precious and I need to remember that. It can be take away from you in an instant and we tend to forget that. No one wants to think about something as tragic as that, but you can't help it sometimes. We have to enjoy life as best as we can before it's too late. I wish I could tell myself to stop worrying and just enjoy everything, but I don't think about it. As stated in the song Fifteen by Taylor Swift, she says, "Wish you could go back and tell yourself what you know now." I always wish I could go back in time and change things after learning from my mistakes, but that's part of life. We make mistakes and we learn from them. We all wish we could turn back the clock sometimes, but we have to accept the fact that the past is the past. We must move on and go on with our lives. So I'm telling myself this before it's too late. "Live in the present and enjoy what life has to offer. Take chances and believe in yourself. Think smart and face any consequences head strong. Don't regret any decisions because it brought you to where you are today. Forgive people for hurting you and remember that everyone makes mistakes. Don't make decisions when you're in a bad mood or aren't thinking straight. Accept yourself for who you are and never lose hope. Work hard for what you want because someday you will be successful. But most importantly, love the people who have been there for you with all your heart."

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