Thursday, December 13, 2012

Oh yes.

Today I visited my old school and Davis with James. It was nice seeing my old teachers, friends, and other people. I had a great time since it's been so long already. It was great catching up even if it was only like 5 minutes, but it's way better than nothing at all. I spent over 2 hours there trying to find people and what not. It sure took a while too, but I think it was worth it. I saw Wesley and he said, "Oh I gotta hug Amy first" and I just laughed. Mrs. Solari told me to speak in front of her class. Then I had to wait for my communication teacher to come back from a meeting, and after waiting half an hour, I was going to leave. I was outside in the cold for too long, but he was in his office and I didn't even notice him going in. Later I went to Davis to go visit Kevin, Jay, Gabe, Jenny, Dalia, and Aman. We ended up missing an exit to switch freeways so we went through Downtown Sacramento and it was so nice! I loved all the different buildings. Then at Davis we got lost pretty bad and he drove in the wrong lane and a car honked at him. I was wondering why he was on the wrong side, but it was fun. Things still feel the same when I hang out with my friends. It's like I know we all go to different colleges, but no one has truly changed in a way. It was nice experiencing a different campus after adjusting to mines. I really did enjoy eating out and the environment because it's different from SLO. I had a lot of fun and hopefully I can go back another time or even visit another school. I guess we'll see what happens. I freaked out cause I was home late and felt so much guilt, but I don't feel like I made a wrong decision in going. I'm fine and nothing happened (thank goodness) and I got to spend time with my friends. The next thing I'm looking forward to is the 28th. Now that should be a blast too :D Oh man I can't wait. It was a day well spent for sure. I even got to see Glee before it's back on in another month. Good night world & my fingers are getting better! :]

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