Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"I miss you."

When someone tells me those words, I feel overjoyed inside. It makes me happy to know that someone wants to hang out or see me. They miss having me around (I would think), and I usually feel the same as well. When you haven't seen the people you care about for so long, you can't help but feel that way. I have missed my friends so much these past few months which is why all I want to do is spend time with them. It's so hard for all of us to see one another due to our schedules. They may not understand why I want to see them so much, but it's hard to be away from each other for so long. These people that I've spent 3, 4, or even more years with that I can't see every day or once a month anymore. I miss having them around and spending 7-9  hours a day together. Yes that is a lot of time, but once it's over and done with, that's when you realize all that time went by too fast and it still didn't feel like enough time. I will appreciate every second and moment that I get to spend with my family and friends. I'll enjoy all the time that I get because I know that whatever amount of time I get is better than none at all. I love you all so much. Good night world & cherish the people in your life :]

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