Thursday, December 20, 2012


Thank you for being there when no one else could. I feel like blogging has definitely changed me as a person. I get to express my feelings and it makes me feel so much better. It's my diary that I could never write onto paper. The feelings I hide that I hope some people won't ever find out. The best times of my life that I want to remember and look back at years from now. This blog is basically my life. It has become a part of me. 10 more days and it'll be exactly 2 years that I've had this blog. Time sure flies by doesn't it? But it's been a great 2 years. Through all the good and bad times, this blog could never judge me like someone else would have. I've done some wonderful and foolish things, but that is how I learned in this life. I know that I can't and won't remember everything, but blogging has changed that. I try so hard to blog every day about anything and everything. Even the most randomest things as you can probably tell from some of my posts. I hope someday I can reread every single post. I want to laugh at how stupid I was, appreciate the wonderful moments and people I've encountered, but most importantly, notice how much I've grown as a person. This blog is a part of my childhood as I mature into an adult. I honestly can't say I'm an adult even if I am of age because I sure don't feel like it yet. I hope that 10, 20, or even 50 years from now that I'm still using this blog. I know that's a lot of time, but who knows. Maybe someday my future husband (if I get married) will read this or my great great grandchildren (not sure about this either aha). I really don't know what the future has in stored for me, but all I know is, this blog has been through it all. I know that there will be more posts, random things, heartbreaks, drama, stress, and much more, but I'm content right now. Even though 10 minutes ago I expressed my anger like crazy, but deep down, I know this is only the beginning of the craziness that I will experience in life. I'm young and I hope there's many more years to come for me to experience more things. Life has a lot to offer each and every one of us. It's just a matter of fact if we're willing to take a risk and live a little. And with that, blogging will capture every moment, thought, and feeling I will go through that I can possibly remember. Blogging is a way of life. My life. I haven't been this happy in so long. Blogging really turns my day around when I need it the most. Good night world & thanks for reading all this :]

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