Monday, September 2, 2013


I finally got to see City of Bones in theaters and I was disappointed. They changed so much of the movie which ruined majority of it for me. I wish they didn't make so many changes and switched over half of the movie. It totally didn't do the book any justice at all. I honestly have no idea where they're going with the second one. I wish it could be closer to the book, but it wasn't. The problems with books becoming movies. It was an alright movie, but the similarities weren't there. The Silent Brothers and the architecture were spot on. Some of the characters were what I imagined, but others were so off. I wish they did a better job because the book and movie are two totally different things. Still sad how it came out though. It was fun hanging out with Angelica and Oksana though. After the movie, we went to Oksana's and watched Rent. It's the first legit musical I've seen, but we didn't have time to finish the whole thing. Hopefully we can another time, but I did like it. It was a great weekend and back to work tomorrow. Good night world :]

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